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Not able to use TextInput #333

Open ponchautf opened 1 month ago

ponchautf commented 1 month ago

*Description When I try to use TextInput in the IDE ios simulator, it's not possible to enter text. I only see a menu that invite to fill the field

Capture d’écran 2024-05-31 à 10 29 00

(not yet tried on android simulator Environment React native IDE 0.0.14 React Native 0.73.6 VS Code 1.89.1 MacBook Pro 2019 (Intel core i9)

kmagiera commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting, does it behave like that on all text input fields or some specific ones? Can you reproduce this on some empty projects too? Can you share a reproducer repo?

ponchautf commented 1 month ago

Hi, Unfortunately, I can't share the repo, it's a private one. (I don't have time right now to try on an empty project but I will do it ASAP) Textnput component came from react-native (it's not a custom one) and used in a prety simple component:

<Text style={typography.BodyRegular}>
Si vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou des préoccupations concernant 
<Text style={typography.BodyBold}>Marches Points Verts</Text>,
n'hésitez pas à nous contacter en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous. Nous sommes là pour vous aider et nous nous efforcerons de répondre à votredemande dans les plus brefs délais.
<Spacer size={20} />
<Text style={typography.HeadlineRegular}>Nom complet : </Text>
<TextInput style={styles.input} value={name} onChangeText={(text) => setName(text)} />
<Text style={typography.HeadlineRegular}>Adresse e-mail : </Text>
<TextInput style={styles.input} value={email} onChangeText={(text) => setEmail(text)} />
<CustomButton onPress={sendForm} text="Envoyer" disabled={!isChecked} />

I got the same behavior on all TextInput. I can't try on android, react-native IDE won't allow me to start an android emulator (I'm working on old intel MacBookPro and got an error CPU Architecture 'x64' is not supported by the QEMU2 emulator)

ponchautf commented 1 month ago

FYI : meantime, I found the workaround to start android simulator on intel laptop, but it's not working. Emulator is starting but remain stuck in "Waiting for app to load"

I just see a metro circular reference error in output windows that does not occur with iOS simulator.