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React Native IDE

Welcome to React Native IDE Beta 🎉

React Native IDE is not a ready product (yet). We are hoping that together with the community we will be able to get there soon. We are thankful that you decided to join the beta program and help us improve this tool.

🚧 Who can use this

React Native IDE currently supports some subset of React Native projects due to a number of different setup options. We constantly work to improve this compatibility, and in case your project structure isn’t supported, feel free to open an issue. Below we list high-level requirements for the projects we support at the moment:

As a general rule of thumb, if your projects started from Expo template or React Native community CLI template, and hasn’t diverged much in terms of build configuration, meaning that you can still run it using expo or react native CLI without additional steps, it should work with React Native IDE.

✨ What does it do

React Native IDE is a VS Code extension that aims to streamline development of React Native and Expo applications. The current version supports developing on macOS for Android and iOS platforms with the current list of features available:

💽 Installation

For installation instructions head to INSTALLATION section.

💻 Usage

See USAGE guide on how to get started after installing the extension. You can also visit React Native IDE website where we highlight the most important features.

🐛 Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting and guide on reporting issues head to TROUBLESHOOTING section.

⚒️ Extension Development

If you want to develop the extension and contribute updates head to DEVELOPMENT section.


Make sure to join Software Mansion Discord channel using this invite link: and contact us to get added to react-native-ide-beta channel where we discuss issues and communicate our plans and updates.