sokimaaa / 6Core

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The name "6Core" is a meaningful abbreviation that represents the six core parts of an ecommerce platform. These six core parts include of management

which are all crucial components of any successful ecommerce business. The name suggests that this platform is focused on the essential elements of ecommerce and aims to provide a streamlined and efficient experience for both businesses and customers. The use of the number "6" in the name adds a numerical element to the abbreviation, which can help make it more memorable and distinctive.

Project Structure

1-documentation is place for the platform documentation, architecture decision logs, flow diagram and et cetera.

2-library is considered for placing code sharable between multiple components and has any business logic. As example of library could be logging configuration.

3-platform is core of our project. Here is our business code that utilizes frameworks and libraries to make our ideas real.

4-supplement is folder for storing third-party scripts for CI, local development, testing or any other useful scripts.

Build libraries

bash ./4-supplement/

Docker resources

Postgres DB:

docker run --name postgresDb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p5432:5432 -d postgres:alpine3.19

For connection to DB via IDE use next credentials:

host - localhost

port - 5432

database - postgres

URL - jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres

username - postgres

password - postgres