solevillar / scGeneFit-python

Python code for genetic marker selection using linear programming
MIT License
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Python code for genetic marker selection using linear programming.

The algorithm is described in

Dependencies: numpy, matplotlib, scipy, sklearn.

Examples and source code:

The package main function is scGeneFit.functions.get_markers()

get_markers(data, labels, num_markers, method='centers', epsilon=1, sampling_rate=1, n_neighbors=3, max_constraints=1000, redundancy=0.01, verbose=True)

from scGeneFit.functions import *

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np

Auxiliary functions

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestCentroid

def performance(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, clf):, y_train)
    return clf.score(X_test, y_test)

CITEseq example

Data included in package, from

[1] Marlon Stoeckius, Christoph Hafemeister, William Stephenson, Brian Houck-Loomis, Pratip K Chattopadhyay, Harold Swerdlow, Rahul Satija, and Peter Smibert. Simultaneous epitope and transcriptome measurement insingle cells. Nature Methods, 14(9):865, 2017.

#load data from files
[data, labels, names]= load_example_data("CITEseq")

Use of scGeneFit (center based constraints)


markers= get_markers(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, redundancy=redundancy)

accuracy=performance(data, labels, data, labels, clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels, data[:,markers], labels, clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 500 variables and 45 constraints
Time elapsed: 0.3295409679412842 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 500  markers):  0.8660786816757572
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.7863525588952072
#TSNE plot
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers, names)
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 117.06255102157593 seconds


Use of scGeneFit (pairwise distance constraints)

sampling_rate=0.1 #use 10 percent of the data to generate constraints
n_neighbors=3 #3 constraints per point
epsilon=1 #Delta is 10*norm of the smallest constraint
max_constraints=1000 #use at most 1000 constraints (for efficiency)

markers= get_markers(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
                     n_neighbors=n_neighbors, epsilon=epsilon, max_constraints=max_constraints)

accuracy=performance(data, labels, data, labels, clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels, data[:,markers], labels, clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 500 variables and 1000 constraints
Time elapsed: 6.737841844558716 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 500  markers):  0.8660786816757572
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.7710340025530927
#TSNE plot
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers, names)
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 118.96086025238037 seconds


Use of scGeneFit (pairwise center based constraints)

sampling_rate=0.1 #use 10 percent of the data to generate constraints
n_neighbors=0 #neighbors are not used for the center constraints 
epsilon=10 #Delta is 10*norm of the smallest constraint
max_constraints=1000 #use at most 5000 constraints (for efficiency)

markers= get_markers(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, 
                     sampling_rate=sampling_rate, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, epsilon=epsilon, 

accuracy=performance(data, labels, data, labels, clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels, data[:,markers], labels, clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 500 variables and 1000 constraints
Time elapsed: 4.070271015167236 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 500  markers):  0.8660786816757572
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.7864686085644655
#TSNE plot
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers, names)
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 118.61988186836243 seconds


One vs all markers


accuracy=performance(data, labels, data, labels, clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers2], labels, data[:,markers2], labels, clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Accuracy (whole data, 500  markers):  0.8660786816757572
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.7537426018335848
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers2, names)
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 115.60354685783386 seconds


Zeisel example

Zeisel data included in package, from

[2] Amit Zeisel, Ana B Munoz-Manchado, Simone Codeluppi, Peter Lonnerberg, Gioele La Manno, Anna Jureus, Sueli Marques, Hermany Munguba, Liqun He, Christer Betsholtz, et al. Cell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq. Science, 347(6226):1138–1142, 2015.

This example exhibits a hierarchical clustering structure. We use the function get_markers_hierarchy that takes the hierarchical structure into consideration to select the constraints.

#load data from file
[data, labels, names]=load_example_data("zeisel")

Use of scGeneFit (center based constraints)


markers= get_markers_hierarchy(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, redundancy=redundancy)

accuracy=performance(data, labels[0], data, labels[0], clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels[0], data[:,markers], labels[0], clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 4000 variables and 96 constraints
Time elapsed: 67.69524931907654 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 4000  markers):  0.8745424292845257
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.8861896838602329
#TSNE plot
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers, names[0])
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 71.29064297676086 seconds


Use of scGeneFit (pairwise distance constraints)

sampling_rate=0.05 #use 5 percent of the data to generate constraints
n_neighbors=3 #3 constraints per point
epsilon=10 #Delta is 10*norm of the smallest constraint
max_constraints=500 #use at most 500 constraints (for efficiency)
use_centers=False #constraints given by pairwise distances

markers= get_markers_hierarchy(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, 
                     sampling_rate=sampling_rate, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, epsilon=epsilon)

accuracy=performance(data, labels[0], data, labels[0], clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels[0], data[:,markers], labels[0], clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 4000 variables and 1000 constraints
Time elapsed: 40.95984506607056 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 4000  markers):  0.8745424292845257
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.8435940099833611

Use of scGeneFit (pairwise center based constraints)

sampling_rate=0.05 #use 5 percent of the data to generate constraints
n_neighbors=0 #neighbors are not used for the center constraints
epsilon=10 #Delta is 10*norm of the smallest constraint
max_constraints=500 #use at most 500 constraints (for efficiency)
use_centers=True #constraints given by pairwise distances

markers = get_markers_hierarchy(data, labels, num_markers, method=method, 
                     sampling_rate=sampling_rate, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, epsilon=epsilon)

accuracy=performance(data, labels[0], data, labels[0], clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers], labels[0], data[:,markers], labels[0], clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Solving a linear program with 4000 variables and 1000 constraints
Time elapsed: 168.19283509254456 seconds
Accuracy (whole data, 4000  markers):  0.8745424292845257
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.9237936772046589
#TSNE plot
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers, names[0])
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 69.88537192344666 seconds


Example from second level of the hierarchy

for name in set(names[0]):
    idx=[s for s in range(len(names[0])) if names[0][s]==name]
    aux=plot_marker_selection(data[idx], markers, [names[1][s] for s in idx])
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 8.925884008407593 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 1.5634911060333252 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 0.638862133026123 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 7.366800785064697 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 1.0175950527191162 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 2.3961689472198486 seconds
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 1.0149860382080078 seconds








One vs all markers


accuracy=performance(data, labels[0], data, labels[0], clf)
accuracy_markers=performance(data[:,markers2], labels[0], data[:,markers2], labels[0], clf)

print("Accuracy (whole data,", d, " markers): ", accuracy)
print("Accuracy (selected", num_markers, "markers)", accuracy_markers)
Accuracy (whole data, 4000  markers):  0.8745424292845257
Accuracy (selected 25 markers) 0.8569051580698835
a=plot_marker_selection(data, markers2, names[0])
Computing TSNE embedding
Elapsed time: 69.53578591346741 seconds
