solid / webid-profile

Discovery based on Solid Social Agent WebID
MIT License
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Solid WebID Profile

This repository holds materials related to the proposed Solid WebID Profile specification.


The Solid WebID Profile specification describes the discovery process and data model of a Solid Profile, representing a social agent's identity within various usage scenarios and application-specific preferences.


The goals of this group are:


Related Work Items



All contributors to any Work Items must be members of the Solid CG. It’s easy to join the CG.

Anyone can join the Solid WebID Profile chat, or propose a topic for discussion during the weekly Solid Community Group meetings. The chat is also used to coordinate and communicate concrete meeting plans and agendas.

A tentative meeting slot is held open on Mondays, 15:00 UTC at Meetings are transcribed and published.

Code of Conduct

All work and communication within the Solid CG is covered by the Solid Code of Conduct as well as the Positive Work Environment at W3C: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.