solidify / github-action-azdo-link

This GitHub action will create a link to a work item in Azure DevOps in a new Pull Request comment if you added a reference, ex. AB#123, in your Pull Request's title or description, where the number is a work item id from Azure DevOps.
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link

Add Azure DevOps Work Item link to Pull Request

This GitHub action will create a link to a work item in Azure DevOps in a new Pull Request comment if you added a reference, ex. AB#123, in your Pull Request's title or description, where the number is a work item id from Azure DevOps.



Example usage

Add a trigger on Pull Request

    branches: [ master ]

Add a step

- name: Get azdo wi link step
        uses: solidify/github-action-azdo-link@master
          organization: 'Org Name'
          projectName: 'Team Project Name'
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License