solop-develop / adempiere-grpc-server

ADempiere gRPC Server example of integration
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ADempiere gRPC Server

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This is a project to publish ADempiere, over gRPC service, decoupling in modules such as Access, Application Dictionary, Business, Point Of Sales, Workflow, Dashboarding, File Management, Logs, Requests (as Issue Management), User Customization, etc.

Recreate proto stub class

For recreate stub class you must have follow:

Runing as development


gradle clean

Execute server with default conection file

gradle run

Execute server with custom conection file

gradle run --args="'resources/standalone.yaml'"

Runing Server

The server can be running as java class. See it: org.spin.server.AllInOneServices Don't forgive that for run server you need set yaml file line is /resources folder.

./adempiere-all-in-one-server "./resources/standalone.yaml"

For all enviroment you should run the follow images:

Run docker container:

Minimal Docker Requirements

To use this Docker image you must have your Docker engine version greater than or equal to 3.0.

Environment variables

Build docker image (for development only):

First compile output files.

# Assembles the outputs of this project.
gradle assemble

# Or Assembles and tests this project.
gradle build

Build docker image (alpine)

docker build -t solopcloud/adempiere-backend:alpine-dev -f ./docker/alpine.Dockerfile .

Build docker image (multi-arch)

docker build -t solopcloud/adempiere-backend:dev -f ./docker/focal.Dockerfile .

Download docker image:

docker pull solopcloud/adempiere-backend:alpine

Run container container:

docker run -it -d \
    --name adempiere-backend \
    -p 50059:50059 \
    -e DB_HOST="your-db-host" \
    -e DB_PORT="5432" \
    -e DB_NAME=\"adempiere\" \
    -e DB_PASSWORD="adempiere" \
    -e JWT_SECRET_KEY="your-json-web-token-secret-key" \
    -e TZ="America/Caracas" \

Run with Docker-Compose

Or easy run container using docker-compose with follow command:

docker compose -f build-docker/docker-compose.yaml up