solve-it-once /

The website, created using lowerbarriers/finished-starter
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link
jekyll jekyll-theme vanilla

License: MIT GitHub top language GitHub language count code style: prettier

This is a great codebase to clone or fork if you want a full-fledged site completely free out of the box on day one, that you can customize and extend to suit your needs.

All the repetitive stuff for content, performance, SEO, accessibility, testing, etc. is done, so you can focus on what makes your site special.


The original version of this codebase gets four 100s in Lighthouse testing, has valid HTML per the w3 validator, and has zero errors per the WAVE tool. Also the following:


  1. Fork the repository (button at top of repo page)
  2. On your forked repository page, go to 'Settings' and rename the repository to match your desired behavior
    • Most of the time you will want user/
    • It can also be any name, typically using the gh-pages branch
  3. Edit to your heart's content

If you want to use netlify, Deploy to Netlify

If you prefer Vercel, Deploy with Vercel

Creating a local version for development

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. cd into it
  3. Run the command bundle install in the root of the project to get the Jekyll standard items (requires bundler)
  4. Run npm install in the root of the project for non-required build dependencies (requires node and npm)
  5. Run bundle exec jekyll serve --verbose to build and serve your site to http://localhost:4000/

Optionally you can look at the comments in the .scripts/ directory for any image (optipng, pngcrush, jpegoptim, webp) and other dependencies for optimizing assets on the back end. This helps improve front-end performance if you can manage it.

You can run the .scripts/ from the project root, ideally when the server is not running since it will trigger a rebuild.

user@computername $ .scripts/


user@computername $ .scripts/

Aggressive caching

While the service worker cache should increment every time the site builds, often you will have to use the 'Application' tab of the devtools to clear all site storage and caches. Keeping the devtools open also allows you to right-click the refresh button to select "Empty cache and hard reload".

This is a mild inconvenience you learn to live with and admire, and is a reminder that front-end performance and optimization is important.


You will find a lot of code comments and documentation along the way, but the first four things you should do to customize the base site for your needs:

  1. Edit _config.yml per the inline instructions to your site's name and information
  2. Replace the generic images in assets/images/required/ with your logo and defaults (the various sizes are used for installing to home screens and other purposes)
  3. Also replace favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the repo root with your logo mark
  4. Go to _data/design-tokens/ and update the design tokens in the JSON files to your brand colors and other styles

The design tokens are broken up into three top-level sections:

1. lang

The lang folder of the design tokens is for translatable strings mostly. Each JSON file within the directory should be the two-letter language code to which the strings should apply.

Since the content property of CSS pseudo-elements should be used sparingly and with consideration to accessibility, the lang folder should be used minimally.

An aside: it is not necessary to use the lang directory for rtl support.

2. root

The root folder's contents all get set as CSS custom properties to the :root {}.

By default, the _data/design-tokens/root/colors.json file has black, white, three greys, three shades of three brand colors (main, second, third), and a single shade of an accent color for good measure. For most sites most of the time, this should be more than enough colors. And assets/css/utility/utility--color.css provides all those tokens as both foreground and background color classes to the application front-end.

One color consideration worth over-emphasizing is that the 'main' color should be the most blue-like color if possible. Main is used for links, so using blue helps signify their affordance (along with underlines).

The kit splits the root tokens out by property/namespace, though any file naming strategy you prefer can be used instead. The custom properties are built from the JSON structure rather than the filenames, so renaming any JSON file has no effect.

3. scoped

The _data/design-tokens/scoped/ directory is for styles outside of the :root {} scope. This could be one-off or non-branded components, and especially for preventing unintended component pollution.

You can scope to tags and classes, or some combination of those. The filenames of the design tokens within the directory are parsed as the selectory scope:

Double-underscores become spaces, single underscores become periods, with double-underscores evaluated first.

Example: This file: _data/design-tokens/scoped/div__a_street-sign___font-family--secondary.json Places all its custom properties in the following scope: div a.street-sign .font-family--secondary {}


Fonts are not design tokens per se like above, but setting a new font includes a trip to the design tokens.

If you'd prefer to switch from the default high-performance Public Sans variable font to a brand font, do the following:

  1. Download the font as woff2 files to assets/fonts/ in a directory that's the short name of the font, like assets/fonts/lato/lato.woff2. The google webfonts helper is great for this
  2. Update assets/css/font-face.css with the font name and file locations. Be sure to keep the font-display: swap; directive in each declaration for performance
  3. Update _data/design-tokens/root/font-family.json to reflect the new font name
  4. Add the file locations to the woff: section of _config.yml to prefetch the files and avoid round-trips
  5. Do a build/serve and possibly run the .scripts/ script to update all the CSS
  6. Once you've confirmed the new font is working, you can optionally delete other fonts from the assets/fonts/ directory

Please note for performance and privacy that you should use the above method, rather than making a third-party call to Google Fonts API or similar services.

Site-specific customizations


Almost all the content for the site is within the collections directory, sub-divided by collection/type. You can update all the content there to mesh with your site's purpose.

The content included when you install the site is a mix of generic and example content, and the YAML front matter has a full range of the available modifiers for the collection the content belongs to. Some of it is commented out with a #; you can remove the comments to activate some additional matter.


CSS and JavaScript can be edited at assets/css and assets/js, respectively. Each of those directories contains a pre-commit-dependency folder with an optimized file. These files should not be edited by humans, but are rather generated via .scripts/ and controlled by the no_pre_commit_dependencies: directive in _config.yml.

The pre-commit script runs purgeCSS on the styles to include only CSS in use on the site, and the JavaScript gets minimized using the terser library.


The CSS is broken out into utility files and theme files. Both are appropriate to edit for customization. The distinction between utility files and theme files is that utility files feel more like they don't need to be edited from project to project -- they're little classes that do one thing and rely on known :root {} properties. Theme files more closely match customizations particular to a site.

When developing, start by getting tag-level styles in assets/css/theme/theme--base.css as close as possible before adding or changing class-level styles. This prevents duplication and over-specifying. The documentation pages for style, components, and mood are great pages to test against for the base styles.


Functionality on the site is broken out into little partials that do one or two things, and are then concatenated and minimized in the assets/js/behavior.js file.

Per the JavaScript documentation, the utility--initializer can be used to ensure scripts run dynamically without degrading main-thread performance.

Note that block comments /* Example block comment. */ rather than inline comments // Two slashes should be used, since the two-slash inline comments can accidentally comment out subsequent code when the Jekyll-primitive minification is run. Similarly, all terminating statements should end with semicolons. This is a small price to pay for convenience, and arguably is the more agreed-upon style for most developers anyway.


The assets/images/ directory contains a 1200x630 sub-folder. You're encouraged to create images at this size for both social sharing (via <meta> tags) and on-screen display for cards and similar. This size works well as a responsive middle ground, and the aspect ratio is pretty standard and attractive. Place all images of the 1200x630 size in that directory.

Graphic designers on your team are best served knowing 1200x630 is the preferred size and aspect ratio for images ahead of time.

See /scripts/ for instructions and commands to optimize JPEG and PNG files, as well as the script's core purpose of generating webp versions of image assets. The webp version will be the original filename with '.webp' appended -- and the image component uses this pattern to figure out whether a webp version exists in order to include it.

When including images in content, overwhelmingly prefer the liquid include _includes/atoms/image.html:

{% include atoms/image.html
  alt="A good description of this image"
  caption="This prop is optional and renders as a figcaption"

over markdown or hard-coded HTML. This ensures the webp images, lazy loading, and <figure>/<picture> semantics work consistently across the site.


Every tool out there -- wordpress, drupal, create-react-app, plain static site generators, even services like Wix and SquareSpace -- come out of the box missing something. For CMSes it's default content and often a bunch of plugins, for frameworks it's everything but the framework, and for services it's flexibility and baked-in accessibility. This codebase is different; it comes with everything you need to have a working, launch-ready site on day one.

And it's free. Free as in beer, speech, dependencies, everything.

The core ideas around which decisions were made for this kit: