some-programs / exitwp

Exitwp is tool primarily aimed for making migration from one or more wordpress blogs to the jekyll blog engine as easy as possible.
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Paragraphs and line breaking in HTML posts #41

Open rwmpelstilzchen opened 11 years ago

rwmpelstilzchen commented 11 years ago


Thanks for Exitwp. I've used it for migrating my data from my (old) WordPress blog to Jekyll. ☺

My posts are in HTML, which is the default in WP. The migration ran smoothly, but I've noticed that Exitwp outputs the content of the posts as-is. Now, when manually editing HTML posts in WP one can omit <p>s and <br />s and they are automatically added using the wpautop PHP command; thus, all of the paragraphs and line breaks in Exitwp's output were not processed by the browser as such, since they were whitespaces.

The pull request fixes this. Using this Python implementation of wpautop. It changes the default target format from Markdown to HTML, because the conversion to Markdown loses data (I think you might want to add a warning about this in the comment on target/output formats in the configuration file).

Thanks, Júda

thomasf commented 10 years ago

Hello, I think that markdown should remain the default output format.

rwmpelstilzchen commented 10 years ago

OK, but don't you think paragraph separation and line breaking should be properly processed?

thomasf commented 10 years ago

Yes, that is probably desirable for most situations.

SeanFromIT commented 6 years ago

I like the additions, I feel like this would address some of the things I had to clean-up manually after migration.