some-programs / exitwp

Exitwp is tool primarily aimed for making migration from one or more wordpress blogs to the jekyll blog engine as easy as possible.
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Docker support #59

Closed Bill closed 7 years ago

Bill commented 9 years ago

Added a Dockerfile and associated documentation.

thomasf commented 9 years ago


Wouldn't a volume mount be easier than using tar like that?

thomasf commented 9 years ago

I mean so you can do something like

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/src/app/ exitwp ....
Bill commented 9 years ago

Volume mounts are certainly an option. I was opting instead to run as part of building the image. That way the image contains the (built) output.

This image can, of course, be run with a volume mount:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/src/app/build --entrypoint python exitwp

That'll (re) run and put the results in $PWD.

The Dockerfile could be modified with that idea in mind by:

  1. removing the final RUN line
  2. replacing the final CMD with CMD ["python", ""]

With those changes, you could invoke it like this:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/src/app/build exitwp

Alternately, if you like building-in the build directory, but you don't like tar, you can use docker copy on a running container to copy out the build dir.

thomasf commented 8 years ago

Maybe it makes sense to supply a docker image with builds from dockerhub as well for people who cant be bothered to set up python virtualenv or whatever..

I think that many users of exitwp also needs to modify for their own migration needs so I'm not sure it's really helping much. I don't have time to do this now but I'll revisit it in while.