I've gone through exitwp. I'm using a Mac running 10.9.5. Before I started, I set up an empty Jekyll directory; I was planning to move all my markdown files into the new '_posts' directory when I was done. However, while I can see all of my posts in Terminal, the Jekyll directory created by exitwp is hidden in my Finder window. I am able to copy or move files around via Terminal, but I cannot actually see anything with Finder. How can I reveal this folder, without revealing all hidden folders on my computer?
This is probably a simple answer.
I've gone through exitwp. I'm using a Mac running 10.9.5. Before I started, I set up an empty Jekyll directory; I was planning to move all my markdown files into the new '_posts' directory when I was done. However, while I can see all of my posts in Terminal, the Jekyll directory created by exitwp is hidden in my Finder window. I am able to copy or move files around via Terminal, but I cannot actually see anything with Finder. How can I reveal this folder, without revealing all hidden folders on my computer?