some-programs / exitwp

Exitwp is tool primarily aimed for making migration from one or more wordpress blogs to the jekyll blog engine as easy as possible.
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Support extracting "Feature Image" #73

Open steren opened 6 years ago

steren commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for this tool.

Today, Wordpress allows writers to attach a "Feature Image" to each post. This image is for example used as an image preview when listing posts, or as an image header when viewing the post.

I looked at my wordpress.xml file, and it seems that the image is captured as the following:

The post <item> contains this metadata:


Which references another <item>, which has the same ID: <wp:post_id>1089</wp:post_id>

The URL of the image is stored in the <wp:attachment_url> attribute and/or in the <guid isPermaLink="false"> attribute.

Is this something that exitwp could support?

LorenzBischof commented 5 years ago

A bit hacky, but it works:

      thumbnail_id = i.findall(ns['wp']+'postmeta/['+ns['wp']+'meta_key="_thumbnail_id"]
      attachment_url = None
      if thumbnail_id: 
          thumbnail_id = thumbnail_id[0].find(ns['wp']+'meta_value').text
          attachment = c.findall('item/['+ns['wp']+'post_id="'+thumbnail_id+'"]')
          if attachment:  
              attachment_url = attachment[0].find(ns['wp']+'attachment_url').text

You need to add it somewhere in the parse_header() function and return it in the export_item object. Then add it to the yaml_header.