someguycrafting / picamo

A Node JS steganography tool for the tin foil hat revolution!
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 3 forks source link
encryption image-manipulation steganography


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Picamo logo

  ____   _        _                                                
 |  _ \ (_)  ___ | |_  _   _  _ __  ___                            
 | |_) || | / __|| __|| | | || '__|/ _ \                           
 |  __/ | || (__ | |_ | |_| || |  |  __/                           
 |_|    |_| \___| \__| \__,_||_|   \___|                           
   ____                                  __  _                     
  / ___| __ _  _ __ ___    ___   _   _  / _|| |  __ _   __ _   ___
 | |    / _` || '_ ` _ \  / _ \ | | | || |_ | | / _` | / _` | / _ \
 | |___| (_| || | | | | || (_) || |_| ||  _|| || (_| || (_| ||  __/
  \____|\__,_||_| |_| |_| \___/  \__,_||_|  |_| \__,_| \__, | \___|


What if you could hide your data in plain sight? E-mail or share a picture on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other platform of your choice, that had encrypted files hidden inside, that only you or someone you wanted could have access to? "More than meets the eye" gets a whole new meaning.

Picamo is a steganography tool written in Node JS, that enables the concealment of any type of file inside a JPEG image.

Data concealed in the image is encrypted using AES CTR, and it's also possible to use an initialization vector for increased security.

Getting started

Download or clone the repository into a folder and then fetch Picamo dependencies

$ npm install

Usage (CLI)

node picamo -c <command> [-f source file] [-i image] [-p password] [--options]


Action to perform.
Use hide to hide a file inside an image or show to reveal it.

source file

Path to the file you want to hide inside the image.
Only used with command hide.


Path to the image you want to process.

command Description
hide Target image where the source file will be hidden.
Ignored if you specify the autoimage option.
show Source image from where to extract the hidden file.


The password for encryption/decryption of the hidden content.
Ignored if you specify the paranoia option.


Option Description
paranoia File content is encrypted with an auto generated 32 byte key and a 16 byte initialization vector (AKA salt).
In this case, a file containing both will also be created while using command hide. Don't loose it, or it won't be possible to recover hidden content!
hat Path to the key file generated while using paranoia.
Mandatory if using option paranoia with command show.
marker This option allows for a definition of a custom Picamo signature marker (hex zero padded format, minimun 4 characters), instead of the default one.
Useful, for instance, to avoid signature detection algorithms.
Use the same marker to hide and show content, or it will fail!
nocomp Disable Picamo compression of the hidden content.
By default, Picamo compresses the hidden file using gzip. While this should give good results for most data, you may want to disable it by using this option, specially if adding highly compressed data (ex: rar, 7z, pdf files).
autoimage If you don't want to supply your own image, Picamo can fetch one automatically through LoremFlickr, using the tags and size you provide. This parameter should be in the comma delimited format, image tags first and size (width x height) last.
help Show the help screen (more or less what you have here).

Usage examples


While performing hide operations, if everything goes well, you should see an output like this:

/source_image_path/img.jpg.enc.jpg successfully written.
Image size: xxxxx bytes, camo image size: xxxxx bytes -> x% increase

A new file named 'img.jpg.enc.jpg' will be placed on the same folder as 'img.jpg'. The message output will inform you not obly abou this, but also about the original image size, the camo image (image with hidden content) size, and the percentage increase in image file size. Regarding camo image size, two things should be accounted for:

  • 1 The use of nocomp option. Read about it in the options section above.
  • 2 Avoid placing a large file inside a small image, since this may raise suspicions, should anyone look at the file vs image size. If you have a big file to hide, use a big image.
Hide 'doc.pdf' inside 'img.jpg' using password 'mypassword'
node picamo -c hide -p mypassword -i /source_image_path/img.jpg -f /file_to_hide_path/doc.pdf
Same as before, but instead of supplying our own image, use an auto fetched one with the tags "cute" and "cats", and a size of 640x480. Also, don't use internal compression.
node picamo -c hide -p mypassword -f /file_to_hide_path/doc.pdf --autoimage cats,cute,640x480 --nocomp
Hide '' inside 'img.jpg' using paranoia, no internal compression and a custom marker 'MyMarker' (hex encoded, see marker option).
node picamo -c hide -i /source_image_path/img.jpg -f /file_to_hide_path/ --nocomp --paranoia --marker 4d794d61726b6572


While performing show operations, if everything goes well, you should see an output like this:

Hidden file 'filename' successfully extracted.
Extract hidden file from 'img.jpg.enc.jpg' using password 'mypassword'
node picamo -c show -p mypassword -i /source_image_path/img.jpg.enc.jpg
Extract hidden file from 'img.jpg.enc.jpg' using password 'mypassword', and the custom marker 'MyMarker' (hex encoded, see marker option)
node picamo -c show -p mypassword -i /source_image_path/img.jpg.enc.jpg --marker 4d794d61726b6572
Extract hidden file from 'img.jpg.enc.jpg' using a hat file. In this example, the image and was processed using paranoia option and key file was also generated. This is the file we should supply through the hat option.
node picamo -c show -i /source_image_path/img.jpg.enc.jpg --paranoia --hat /image_key_path/img.jpg.enc.key


Logo attribution

Picamo logo icon made by Freepik from


Picamo is published under a GPLv3 license.