somno / somno

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This is somno - an Opal project.

Setting up the application in development

Python and pip should already be installed however you will need to install some extra development tools to make sure everything installs without errors

On Debian/Ubuntu systems and on bash for windows type

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

On RHEL/fedora use

sudo dnf install postgresql-devel python-dev rpm-build
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver

To Demo

Add a LOGIN_REDIRECT to settings with the patient you would like to redirect to.

Run sass

We are not webpacked, just run ./

To access the application, visit in a browser, select lists, add a patient.

To view the live chart go to:

I want to feed dummy data

You need a user with the username super, if you don't already have one, on the command line run

./ createsuperuser

Then run

./ insertdata

If you are feeding to a local install you will have to run this in another tab while the server is running

Finally to load some of the fixture data run

./ load_lookup_lists

I want to attach this up to instances of Einstein

Add a settings.EINSTEIN_URL url in a file.

In the admin go to the /admin/einstein_api/monitor/add/ Einstein Id is the monitor id as understood by Einstein. User machine name is the machine name that a user understands (possibly by way of a sticker on the machine).

After this is done. One should be able to choose from the lists of monitors to pair a monitor with a patient in the anaesthetic chart page.