sonata-nfv / son-monitor

SONATA's monitoring repository
Apache License 2.0
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Monitoring Framework

5GTango/Sonata monitoring system gathers and analyzes performance information from network service (NS) and Virtual Network Functions (VNF) and provides alarm notifications, based on rule definitions which are defined by the users. The architecture of the system is based on data exporters and a monitoring server. Data exporters send monitoring data from NS and respective VNF to monitoring server which collects, analyses and stores data and generates the appropriate notifications in case of rule violations. In general, monitoring server consists of a RESTful API interface, an alerting mechanism, a timeseries database and a set of convenient notification services, including a pub/sub based message bus, SMS, email, etc.

Installing / Getting started

Each micro service of the framework is executed in its own Docker container. Building steps are defined in a Dockerfile of each service

Build containers

docker build -f pushgatwway/Dockerfile -t .
docker build -f prometheus/Dockerfile -t .
docker build -f alertmanager/Dockerfile -t .
docker build -f manager/Dockerfile -t .
docker build -f snmpmng/Dockerfile -t .


docker run -d --name son-monitor-influxdb -p 8086:8086
docker run -d --name son-monitor-postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=dbname -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -p 5433:5432 ntboes/postgres-uuid
docker run -d --name son-monitor-pushgateway -p 9091:9091
docker run -d --name son-monitor-alertmanager -p 9093:9093
docker run -d --name son-monitor-prometheus -p 9090:9090 -p 9089:9089 -e RABBIT_URL=<son-broker-ip>:5671 --add-host pushgateway: --add-host influx:
docker run -d --name son-monitor-manager --add-host postgsql: --add-host prometheus: -p 8000:8000
docker run -d --name son-monitor-snmpmng -e POSTGS_PORT=<postgres_port> -e POSTGS_HOST=<postgres_ip> -e DB_USER_NAME=<user_name> -e DB_USER_PASS=<password> -e PROM_SRV=[\"<pushgateway_url>\"]


SONATA's monitoring system is based on following services:

  1. Monitoring manager: is a Django/rest-framework server including a relational database (mysql,postgres ect) that relates each monitoring metric in Prometheus DB (timeseries) with Sonata's monitored entities like NS/VNFs, VMs and VIMs.

  2. Prometheus server: Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, which is bundled in a standalone server, independent of any strict requirements, like network storage or dependency on remote services.

  3. Prometheus pushgateway: Despite the fact that the default approach proposed by Prometheus is to retrieve the metrics data by performing http get requests to exporters (containers, vms etc), the utilization of Pushgateway might provide several advantages in Sonata implementation, like no need for exporters to implement a web socket in order to be reached from Prometheus, no need to reconfigure Prometheus each time a VNF is created or changes IP address etc. In that sense, Pushgateway functoinality is supported by the current implementation of Sonata monitoring framework.

  4. SNMP manager: Monitoring framework provides a mechanism (based on SNMP protocol) to collect metrics from VNFs which supports this fuctionality. The needed SNMP information (i.e. port, OIDs, metric names etc.) are defined within the VNF descriptor.

Built With

Submiting changes

To contribute to the development of the 5GTango/SONATA monitoring framwork you have to fork the repository, commit new code and create pull requests.


The most up-to-date version is v5.0.


Unit tests are automatically executed during the building stage.

Api Reference

Documentation of the RESTful API of Monitoring Manager is provided by a Swagger UI from each instance of the Monitoring Manager and also in 5GTango documentation page.


Monitoring framework is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.

Lead Developers

The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.
