songjinghe / map-matching-matlab

Use GraphHopper's map-matching lib from matlab
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Use GraphHopper's map-matching lib from matlab (a java wrapper)



first, compile this project and import map file into a dir. (You have to done this by Java directly because doing this in matlab may cause some err).

java -cp "*" edu.buaa.ACTMapMatching D:\map-matching-matlab\beijing_around.pbf D:\map-matching-matlab\cache


then, modify matlab classpath file to allow seek of the map-matching lib. Type edit classpath.txt in matlab console, paste following to the file:

# D:/map-matching-matlab/out/artifacts/map_matching4matlab_jar/commons-compress-1.10.jar
# D:/map-matching-matlab/out/artifacts/map_matching4matlab_jar/commons-io-1.3.1.jar
# D:/map-matching-matlab/out/artifacts/map_matching4matlab_jar/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
# D:/map-matching-matlab/out/artifacts/map_matching4matlab_jar/slf4j-api-1.7.7.jar
# D:/map-matching-matlab/out/artifacts/map_matching4matlab_jar/xmlgraphics-commons-2.1.jar#
# D:\matlabcalljava\out\artifacts\matlabcalljava_jar\matlabcalljava.jar

some are commented because matlab already have include such jar (although it could be a different version). restart matlab to make above config work.


finally, call java methods from matlab. (check example.m for example)

t = edu.buaa.ACTMapMatching
t.load('D:\map-matching-matlab\cache', 20); % 20 is the gps accuracy, unit one meter
% example trajectory, first column is latitude, second is longitude, third is timestamp (seconds).
39.862180   116.471353  1478793726
39.862155   116.471312  1478793732
39.862398   116.471278  1478793738
39.862892   116.471308  1478793744
39.862892   116.471308  1478793750
39.863462   116.471302  1478793756
39.864285   116.47125   1478793762
39.864728   116.471197  1478793768
39.864728   116.471197  1478793774
39.865840   116.47124   1478793780
39.865840   116.47124   1478793786
39.866227   116.471272  1478793792
39.866227   116.471272  1478793798
39.866227   116.471272  1478793804
39.866227   116.471272  1478793810
39.866227   116.471272  1478793816
39.866227   116.471272  1478793822
39.866227   116.471272  1478793828
39.866227   116.471272  1478793834
39.866227   116.471272  1478793840
39.866683   116.471233  1478793846
39.867257   116.471232  1478793852
39.867898   116.471197  1478793858
39.868600   116.471212  1478793864
39.869195   116.47123   1478793870
39.869748   116.471265  1478793876
39.869902   116.471512  1478793882];

road_path = t.toRoads(trajectory);
% you got something like this,
% 0 1478793829.489  8733    73    856
% 0 1478793878.839  8734    49    256
% the second column is the timestamp (second) at which the car enter the road,
% the first column is the timeslot the timestamp falls (48 timeslot a day)
% the third column is roadId which is only unique for one import, if you import map a second time, it may change.
% the fourth column is travelTime which is the time the car spent to travel through the road (seconds).
% the fifth column is road length (meters).

% if you want raw output from map-matching lab, try:
roads = t.rawMM2Roads(trajectory);
% you got a list of roads, each roads contains serval gps points
% [
%    [39.862180 116.471353],
%    [39.862180 116.471353],
%    [39.862180 116.471353]
% ],[
%    [39.862180 116.471353],
%    [39.862180 116.471353],
%    [39.862180 116.471353]
% ],
% ...

matched = t.exactPoints(trajectory);
% you got something like this, not all points are matched.
% road_id, matched_lat, matched_lon, origin_lat, origin_lon, origin_time
% 91558 39.8621799403485    116.471331237138    39.8621800000000    116.471353000000    1478793726.00000
% 91558 39.8628920583424    116.471329285239    39.8628920000000    116.471308000000    1478793744.00000
% 91558 39.8634620705058    116.471327722848    39.8634620000000    116.471302000000    1478793756.00000
% 8733  39.8642863311037    116.471309927235    39.8642850000000    116.471250000000    1478793762.00000
% 8733  39.8647302893028    116.471300066036    39.8647280000000    116.471197000000    1478793768.00000
% 8733  39.8658407862976    116.471275399677    39.8658400000000    116.471240000000    1478793780.00000
% 8733  39.8662268850230    116.471266823652    39.8662270000000    116.471272000000    1478793792.00000
% 8734  39.8666830289700    116.471226998921    39.8666830000000    116.471233000000    1478793846.00000
% 8734  39.8672570107662    116.471229769803    39.8672570000000    116.471232000000    1478793852.00000
% 8734  39.8678978268708    116.471232863325    39.8678980000000    116.471197000000    1478793858.00000
% 8734  39.8685998829218    116.471236252482    39.8686000000000    116.471212000000    1478793864.00000
% 8734  39.8691949559484    116.471239125180    39.8691950000000    116.471230000000    1478793870.00000
% 8734  39.8697481120190    116.471241795526    39.8697480000000    116.471265000000    1478793876.00000
% 57875 39.8698396722739    116.471486794774    39.8699020000000    116.471512000000    1478793882.00000

matched = t.simulatedTraj(trajectory);
% you got something like above, not all points are matched.
% also matched_lat, matched_lon may have more points (origin_lat, origin_lon is -1, origin_time is linear random inserted),
% to form a complete trajectory for route.

% Export trajectory to a gpx file (for visualization in Google Earth).
t.toGPXFile(trajectory, "file-path-here.gpx");

% K-d anonymous
% input data columns: car_id, time_aligned, latitude, longitude
% output is the same format.
% Example:
1  1  39.862180 116.47135
1  2  39.862155 116.471312
2  1  39.990   116.470
2  2  39.999   116.488
3  1  39.155   116.155
3  2  39.156   116.178

anonymous_level_k = 2;
anonymous_trajectories = t.kdAnonymous(trajectories, anonymous_level_k)

1  1  39.86180  116.4735
1  2  39.86155  116.47312
2  1  39.9590   116.4170
2  2  39.9399   116.4588
3  1  39.1155   116.1455
3  2  39.1156   116.1278