Glauth-UI is a small flask web app i created to manage the minimal glauth ldap server. I created this as i wanted to use glauth for authentication in several service at home and at work, but since it is readonly there is no way for users to configure their own password for example.
Since i knew a bit of python and wanted to learn flask i thought i create a small webapp that acts as a management ui for glauth.
This should be considered as a prove of concept and some glauth features arent implemented yet as i have no use for them (yet). There are probably a lot of bugs in this and if you are using it you should limit the usage to the local network only.
[X] Support glauth 2.X config layout (uidnumber/gidnumber instead of unixid in config)
[ ] Support for new 2.X features:
[ ] Support for multi file config (users, groups, settings)
[ ] Rename internal DB columns to match config layout (uid/gid) with proper migration
[ ] Support for bcrypt Passwords
[ ] Support for OTP and APP Passwords
[ ] Add other missing features and attributes (API, SSHKey, Shell, etc)
The best installation method atm is to build the docker image with the included Dockerfile.
git clone glauth-ui
cd glauth-ui
docker build -t glauthui:latest .
3. Create container
version: '3.8' services: glauthui: image: glauthui:latest container_name: glauthui restart: unless-stopped ports:
`docker-compose up #-d`
On first startup (or if DB is empty) a sample database will be created with 2 users and 4 groups. Use the username "j_doe" and password "dogood" to login and have access to the administration interface.
This should be run behind a reverse proxy like nginx that handles https!
These can be set using environment variables using docker.
Should be a long random string to protect against CSRF attacks and should definatly be set in a production environment.
Short name that will be displayed in the webapp and emails. Default = Glauth UI
Longer organisations name that will show up in emails. Default = LDAP Management Team
Name of the glauth/ldap group which members have admin access to the ui (This can't be an included/nested group atm and must be assigned directly to the user)
Enable Debugging mode in Flask, never enable this for production environment! Default = False
Configure your email provider, MAIL_ADMIN
will show up as sender. Default =
Sets the Databsae URI, Default is a sqlite app.db
in the apps db/
For MySQL/Maria DB use mysql+pymysql://<user>:<password>@<server>:<port>/<db>
See also ( for more Options.
Sets the Glauth config.cfg path, Default is config.cfg
in the apps db/
INFO: Screenshots are outdated !!
Login View:
After you spun up the container you can login with the sample user j_doe
and the password dogood
Main View:
In the main view normal user can change their names and email adress or change their password. Administrators also have access to a email test function and the admin interface.
Main Admin View:
In the Admin Interface you can configure your glauth settings, users and groups.
Admin User View:
Creating new users:
When you create a new user you have the option to send an invite link per mail, the account is disabled until they created their password.
If the password field is left blank when creating new users it will be autogenerated and displayed to the admin but only if the Invite Option is not enabled. Otherwise a random password and a token is generated for users to set their own.
Users without an email adress are not allowed to log into the ui (service accounts).
Admin Group View:
Creating new groups:
When you create a new group you can select if it is a primary group.
Editing secondary groups:
When you edit a non primary group you can assign users and set to include this group in other groups or configure the included groups.
Editing primary groups:
When you edit a primary group you can assign users and set which secondary groups it includes. Primary groups can't be included in other primary groups or secondary groups.
Editing glauth settings:
You can also change several glauth settings from the ui. These are also stored in the db and are used when generating a new config file so make sure these are correct. Changing those settings require you to restart glauth.
The glauth watchconfig
option is missing here, it is automatically added as it is a dependancy for this to work correctly.
This would generate the following config.cfg
## GLAUTH config backend configuration file
# General configuration
watchconfig = true
debug = true
enabled = true
listen = ""
enabled = false
# Backend configuration
datastore = "config"
baseDN = "dc=glauth-example,dc=com"
## Glauth behaviors configuration
IgnoreCapabilities = true
## LDAP Users configuration
name = "j_doe"
givenname = "Jane"
sn = "Doe"
mail = ""
uidnumber = 5001
primarygroup = 5501
passsha256 = "6478579e37aff45f013e14eeb30b3cc56c72ccdc310123bcdf53e0333e3f416a"
otherGroups = [ 5551,5552,5553 ]
name = "search"
uidnumber = 5002
primarygroup = 5502
passsha256 = "125844054e30fabcd4182ae69c9d7b38b58d63c067be10ab5ab883d658383316"
name = "jo_doe"
givenname = "John"
sn = "Doe"
mail = ""
uidnumber = 5004
primarygroup = 5501
passsha256 = "3c8580d143af4b0585a84e7497978aafe550f8687ea52ceb180e8f884fd3319d"
otherGroups = [ 5551,5552 ]
disabled = True
## LDAP Groups configuration
name = "people"
gidnumber = 5501
# primary user group
name = "svcaccts"
gidnumber = 5502
# service accounts
name = "glauth_admin"
gidnumber = 5551
name = "vpn"
gidnumber = 5552
includegroups = [ 5501 ]
name = "xmpp"
gidnumber = 5553
includegroups = [ 5501 ]
# Prosody XMPP Users