sonjapeterson / name-learning

Project for YEI Tech Bootcamp--app for uploading collections of pictures and names to create flashcards for learning
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First Name Basis

"A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language." - Dale Carnegie

"Always use the proper name for things, Harry. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." - Albus Dumbledore

Want to advance your career--or just brighten someone's day? Greeting a person by name isn't just polite. It's a powerful way to solidify relationships.

This app will help people quickly learn the names of a specific group of people. Potential uses are:

The app will allow users to upload a set of names, photos, descriptions, and pronunciations. Then, they will be able to quiz themselves with a custom set of flashcards. They can also view an entire collection of names to quickly refresh their memory at any time.

Basic features:

Advanced features may include:

Possible names for app:

"First Name Basis" "Ishmael" "Recall" "YouRemembered" "HelloAgain" "Name Vault" "Name Box" "NameDeck" "Name Recognition" "Recognition"