If anyone is using with sclang and has written sc files for that please do a PR
By the moment only DWGReverb, MembraneV, DWGClarinet, MyPlucked, DWGFlute, PitchTracker, PluckSynth and SonLPC have sc classes.
Also AdachiAyers was added althought as output frequency depends on flip, mouth pressure and delay length it is difficult to play with it. In Lua2SC pieces 7thtrumpet there is a function for getting flip and delay given a desired output frequency and mouth pressure that should be somehow added.
If anyone has interest in having sc classes for any other I could write them in case somebody could test them.
Most of them are almost trivial but in the case of KLJuntion which makes SC to speak-sing it would need more work to translate from Lua2SC implementation so that I would need external support.
If anyone is using with sclang and has written sc files for that please do a PR
By the moment only DWGReverb, MembraneV, DWGClarinet, MyPlucked, DWGFlute, PitchTracker, PluckSynth and SonLPC have sc classes.
Also AdachiAyers was added althought as output frequency depends on flip, mouth pressure and delay length it is difficult to play with it. In Lua2SC pieces 7thtrumpet there is a function for getting flip and delay given a desired output frequency and mouth pressure that should be somehow added.
If anyone has interest in having sc classes for any other I could write them in case somebody could test them.
Most of them are almost trivial but in the case of KLJuntion which makes SC to speak-sing it would need more work to translate from Lua2SC implementation so that I would need external support.