Some Supercollider plugins:
AdachiAyers for trombone trumpet physical model
PitchTracker: when Tartini is not enough.
IIRf for infinite impulse response filters
KLJunction for Kelly-Lochbaum filter implementation
SonLPC for linear prediction analysis and synthesis.
PluckSynth emulation of a plucked string from Fredrik Eckerholm, Gianpaolo Evangelista paper
Get the sources with (the same you did with Supercollider repository):
git clone --recursive
On a sibling folder to MyUGens folder (created by yourself):
cmake -G"Your generator or skip G to let cmake choose" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERNOVA=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="./scinstall or were you want to install" -DSC_PATH="../supercollider/ or where to find SC github repository folder" ../MyUGens
wait command to finish and type:
cmake --build . --target install