sonroyaalmerol / m3u-stream-merger-proxy

A lightweight HTTP proxy server dockerized for consolidating and streaming content from multiple IPTV M3U playlists, acting as a load balancer between provided sources.
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emby iptv m3u8 plex threadfin xteve

📡 M3U Stream Merger Proxy

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This repo is currently in heavy development. Expect major changes on every release until the first stable release, 1.0.0. Using the :dev tag will allow you to be up-to-date with the main branch.

Streamline your IPTV experience by consolidating multiple M3U playlists into a single source with the blazingly fast 🔥 and lightweight M3U Stream Merger Proxy. This service acts as a modern HTTP proxy server, effortlessly merging and streaming content from various M3U sources.

Uses the channel title or tvg-name (as fallback) to merge multiple identical channels into one. This is not an xTeVe/Threadfin replacement but is often used with it.

All versions after 0.10.0 will require an external Redis/Valkey instance. The SQLite database within the data folder will not be used going forward. For data persistence, refer to the Redis docs. The sample docker-compose.yml below has also been modified to include Redis. To see the README of a specific version, navigate to the specific tag of the desired version (e.g. 0.10.0).

How It Works

  1. Initialization and M3U Playlist Consolidation:

    • The service loads M3U playlists from specified URLs, consolidating streams into /playlist.m3u.
    • The consolidation process merges streams based on their names and saves them in a database.
    • Each unique stream name aggregates corresponding URLs into the consolidated playlist.
  2. HTTP Endpoints:

    • Playlist Endpoint (/playlist.m3u):

      • Access the merged M3U playlist containing streams from different sources.
    • Stream Endpoint (/stream/{streamID}.{fileExt}):

      • Request video streams for specific stream IDs.
  3. Load Balancing:

    • The service employs load balancing by cycling through available stream URLs.
    • Users can set max concurrency per stream URLs for optimized performance.
  4. Periodic Updates:

    • Refreshes M3U playlists at specified intervals (cron schedule syntax) to ensure up-to-date stream information.
    • Updates run in the background with no downtime.
  5. Proxy Functionality:

    • Abstracts complexity for clients, allowing interaction with a single endpoint.
    • Aggregates streams behind the scenes for a seamless user experience.
  6. Customization:

    • Modify M3U URLs, update intervals, and other configurations in the .env file.


Docker Compose

Deploy with ease using the provided docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    image: sonroyaalmerol/m3u-stream-merger-proxy:latest
      - "8080:8080"
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Toronto
      - REDIS_ADDR=redis:6379
      - SYNC_ON_BOOT=true
      - SYNC_CRON=0 0 * * *
      - M3U_URL_1=
      - M3U_URL_2=
      - M3U_URL_X=
    restart: always
      - redis
    image: redis
    restart: always
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli ping | grep PONG"]
      interval: 1s
      timeout: 3s
      retries: 5
    # Redis persistence is OPTIONAL. This will allow you to reuse the database across restarts.
    # command: redis-server --save 60 1
    # volumes:
    #   - ./data:/data

Access the generated M3U playlist at http://<server ip>:8080/playlist.m3u.


ENV VAR Description Default Value Possible Values
PUID Set UID of user running the container. 1000 Any valid UID
PGID Set GID of user running the container. 1000 Any valid GID
TZ Set timezone Etc/UTC TZ Identifiers
M3U_URL_1, M3U_URL_2, M3U_URL_X Set M3U URLs as environment variables. N/A Any valid M3U URLs
M3U_MAX_CONCURRENCY_1, M3U_MAX_CONCURRENCY_2, M3U_MAX_CONCURRENCY_X Set max concurrency. 1 Any integer
MAX_RETRIES Set max number of retries (loop) across all M3Us while streaming. 0 to never stop retrying (beware of throttling from provider). 5 Any integer greater than or equal 0
RETRY_WAIT Set a wait time before retrying (looping) across all M3Us on stream initialization error. 0 Any integer greater than or equal 0
STREAM_TIMEOUT Set timeout duration in seconds of retrying on error before a stream is considered down. 3 Any positive integer greater than 0
REDIS_ADDR Set Redis server address N/A e.g. localhost:6379
REDIS_PASS Set Redis server password N/A Any string
REDIS_DB Set Redis server database to be used 0 0 to 15
SORTING_KEY Set tag to be used for sorting the stream list tvg-id tvg-id, tvg-chno
USER_AGENT Set the User-Agent of HTTP requests. IPTV Smarters/1.0.3 (iPad; iOS 16.6.1; Scale/2.00) Any valid user agent
LOAD_BALANCING_MODE (removed on version 0.10.0) Set load balancing algorithm to a specific mode brute-force brute-force/round-robin
PARSER_WORKERS Set number of workers to spawn for M3U parsing. 5 Any positive integer
BUFFER_MB Set buffer size in mb. 0 (no buffer) Any positive integer
INCLUDE_GROUPS_1, INCLUDE_GROUPS_2, INCLUDE_GROUPS_X Set channels to include based on groups (Takes precedence over EXCLUDE_GROUPS_X) N/A Go regexp
EXCLUDE_GROUPS_1, EXCLUDE_GROUPS_2, EXCLUDE_GROUPS_X Set channels to exclude based on groups N/A Go regexp
INCLUDE_TITLE_1, INCLUDE_TITLE_2, INCLUDE_TITLE_X Set channels to include based on title (Takes precedence over EXCLUDE_TITLE_X) N/A Go regexp
EXCLUDE_TITLE_1, EXCLUDE_TITLE_2, EXCLUDE_TITLE_X Set channels to exclude based on title N/A Go regexp
TITLE_SUBSTR_FILTER Sets a regex pattern used to exclude substrings from channel titles none Go regexp
BASE_URL Sets the base URL for the stream URls in the M3U file to be generated. http/s:// (e.g. Any string that follows the URL format
SYNC_CRON Set cron schedule expression of the background updates. 0 0 * Any valid cron expression
SYNC_ON_BOOT Set if an initial background syncing will be executed on boot true true/false
CACHE_ON_SYNC Set if an initial background cache building will be executed after sync. Requires BASE_URL to be set. false true/false
CLEAR_ON_BOOT Set if an initial database clearing will be executed on boot false true/false
DEBUG Set if verbose logging is enabled false true/false
SAFE_LOGS Set if sensitive info are removed from logs. Always enable this if submitting a log publicly. false true/false




First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ❤️

All types of contributions are encouraged and valued. 🎉

I'm currently looking to add more tvg-* tags that might be used by some IPTV providers. Feel free to post an issue if you require a specific tag!

And if you like the project, but just don't have time to contribute, that's fine. There are other easy ways to support the project and show your appreciation, which I would also be very happy about: