sopra-fs24-group-03 / sopra-fs24-group-03-client

GNU General Public License v3.0
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SoPra Group 3 Project: Poker


Welcome to our project; A free, user-friendly online poker game. This game allows friends to connect, compete, and enjoy poker without the distractions and limitations of other online alternatives.

Our whole team is a big fan of the game of poker. Therefore, it was clear we wanted to create a poker game. But what would make our poker game special? We wanted to create a game where friends could play poker together, whenever and wherever they are. Despite the plethora of online options, finding a satisfactory platform to play poker with friends can be difficult. Most online poker games are cluttered with ads, require in-app purchases, or are just not user friendly.

By eliminating ads and unnecessary costs, we ensure that our platform is accessible to everyone, making it easy to start a game of poker and practice some new strategies or just have fun with your friends.

Technologies used:

The client part has been implemented using React.js.

High-level components:

User Interface Components



Launch & Deployment:

  1. Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, run:

    npm install
  2. Run the Application Locally: Start the development server with:

    npm start
  3. Build for Production: Create a production build with:

    npm run build
  4. Deployment to Google Cloud: Follow these steps to deploy the application:

    • Set up a Google Cloud project and enable the necessary APIs.
    • Build the Docker image for your React app and push it to Google Container Registry.
    • Use Google Cloud Run to deploy the containerized app.


User Flow

  1. Login: Users can log in with their existing account or create a new one.
  2. Home: The main view of the application, displaying the user's money, his reloads and options to join a game or create a new one.
  3. Lobby: The waiting room for players to join the game. If the user is the host, he can start the game as well as kick players.
  4. Game Table: The table where the game is played. The user can fold, call, raise, or check. After one playing round all users are redirected to the lobby and the earings and losses are distributed.








Game Table

Game Table Start


Authors and Acknowledgments:



We would like to acknowledge the following for their contributions and support:

Special thanks to:


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.