sorachan / opencast-downloader

Downloader for lecture videos hosted on OpenCast
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OpenCast Downloader

If your university uses OpenCast for lecture videos and you're looking for a simple-to-use downloader so you can save these lecture videos to your mobile devices and use them on the go, this tool is for you!


To use this tool, you will need Python 3 on your system with the requests module installed. (If the module is missing from your Python installation, it will be installed automatically.)


The Python script is run by ./ or python3 It offers an interactive menu, however, by specifying all of the appropriate optional flags, you can run this script unattended. For options, please refer to the help output:

usage: [-h] [-U URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
                    [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-r RESOLUTION] [-s SERIES] [-ls]
                    [-le] [-e EPISODES] [-pr] [-pn]

Downloads videos from an OpenCast sever.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            Display this help message and exit.
-v, --version         Display version info and exit.
-U URL, --url URL     URL of the OpenCast server.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username for the OpenCast server.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password for the OpenCast server.
                        Download directory for videos.
                        Resolution string to match. (The value "max"
                        automatically selects the maximum resolution.)
-s SERIES, --series SERIES
                        String to match for series titles.
-ls, --list-series    List available series and exit.
-le, --list-episodes  List available episodes. (Can be used with --series.)
-e EPISODES, --episodes EPISODES
                        String to match for episode titles, use "all" to
                        download all.
-pr, --presenter      Download presenter videos.
-pn, --presentation   Download presentation videos.



So far, this tool has only been successfully tested for the OpenCast server of Ruhr University Bochum - your mileage may vary. If the tool doesn't work for you, please file a bug report and include the appropriate data.


Thanks to StackOverflow's FogleBird for a code snippet for parsing numerical ranges and the Django project for a code snippet for creating safe file names.