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ActionCable stops working after some time with no output #204

Open AlessandroCordella opened 2 years ago

AlessandroCordella commented 2 years ago

I am using the example version of subscribeAllCardUpdates.js just changing the query:

const { ActionCable } = require('@sorare/actioncable');

const cable = new ActionCable({
    headers: {
        // 'Authorization': `Bearer <YourJWTorOAuthToken>`,
        // 'APIKEY': '<YourOptionalAPIKey>'

var query = "aCardWasUpdated(rarities: [limited, rare, super_rare, unique]) " +
    "{slug, id, onSale, rarity, liveSingleSaleOffer{price, blockchainId, endDate, open}, player{displayName}}";

cable.subscribe(query, {
    connected() {


    disconnected(error) {
        console.log("disconnected", error);

    rejected(error) {
        console.log("rejected", error);

    received(data) {
        if (data?.result?.errors?.length > 0) {
            console.log('error', data?.result?.errors);
        const aCardWasUpdated = data?.result?.data?.aCardWasUpdated;
        if (!aCardWasUpdated) {
            console.log("A card was not updated");
        else {


Why does the code work only for some time? After a random amount of minutes (3m,7m, 31m,...), the script doesn't exit, but it doesn't print anything else; therefore I don't know if and where it is stuck.

numberinho commented 2 years ago

Having same issue

numberinho commented 1 year ago

found the answer here

bruno-anderson96 commented 1 year ago

found the answer here #236 (comment)

He using javascript, this forum show with python