sosata / CS120DataAnalysis

Mobile phone data analysis for detecting symptoms of depression and anxiety.
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Instructions for using CS120DataAnalysis

  1. Data Review

Step 1. Set the parameters in the config.m file: date_start: Start date (from 12:01am) of data review. date_end: End date (until 11:59pm) of data review. time_zone: Difference in hours with UTC. gap_max: Maximum gaps size allowed in seconds. data_dir: Location of data subjects_info: Location of subject_info file for the python script Step 2. Run config.m Step 3. Run evaluate_all.m

Results are written to 'log_matlab.txt' in the current directory.

To inspect and visualize data for each subject, run each of the following scrips: evaluate_activity.m evaluate_audio.m evaluate_communication.m evaluate_ema.m evaluate_light.m evaluate_screen.m evaluate_sleep.m evaluate_touch.m using the following syntax: evaluate_xxx(, visualize) where visualize is a boolean (1,0) determining whether the results are visualized or not.