soulhotel / Vertical-Tabs-Firefox-CSS

Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Vertical Tabs

Firefox Resource Files

Ive recently adopted the MPL 2.0 License, this started off as a project (attempting to fix the Vertical files function from MrOtherGuys CSSHacks) Since then, I've redone the function and leave this as a (a bit outdated) resource. (Click me) for an example of how you can use these files to create your own theme

So.. I attempted to fix MrOtherGuys Vertical Tabs

What remains more/less



a lot of this functionality can be simplified and semi-automated with user.pref adjustments. (Much better than going into the userchrome file to comment out a line.)
(Click me) Autohide tabs (Read the userChrome.css to toggle on/off) > Option 1 - push content to the side. ![autohide 1]( > Option 2 - overlay over content. ![autohide 2](
(Click me) A Mini Button Bar coded to handle 10 buttons.
Drag and drop functional, drag all buttons out to disable. Easy to modify `function-mini-button-bar.css`.
Adding extensions to the bar doesn't work. The following buttons do without issue.
(Click me) Showing off full functionality > pin unpin, containers, drag to new window, free up sidebar, themes support, repositioning tabs is faulty. (Unless the transformation applied to individual tab elements can be moved from their right/left to top/bottom, I dont see repositioning ever being fixed. But I'm a newb So you may know otherwise.) ![functionality](
(Click me) Lwtheme support ![Screenshot_5 (Custom)]( ![Screenshot_6 (Custom)](

Install (Note: this is not a product release)

► Copy and paste the Install Zip into your chrome folder

(Click me) Reset toolbar to default buttons ![Untitled](

► Restart Firefox.

For Debugging