source-academy / stories-backend

Backend of Source Academy extension for Stories support.
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Backend for Source Academy Stories

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Installing languages and tools required

Install Golang and PostgresSQL. We recommend using a version manager like asdf to manage your installations. Use the versions of the tools listed in the .tool-versions file.

To work with and debug the API, we also strongly recommend installing tools like Postman.

Setting up git hooks

We use pre-commit and pre-push hooks to ensure that code is formatted and linted before committing and pushing. To set up the hooks, run the following commands:

make hooks


Setting up the database

Creating the database

Run the following command to create the database:

make db_create

Migrating the database

For this step onwards, make sure you have your environment variables set up correctly. See Setting up environment variables for more details.

Run the migration target to migrate the database:

make db_migrate

By default, the migration target will run all pending migrations (visible using make db_status command). To only run a certain number of migrations forward, use the steps argument:

make db_migrate steps=1

Rolling back migrations

To roll back the most recent migration, run the following command:

make db_rollback

To roll back a certain number of migrations, use the steps argument:

make db_rollback steps=1

Setting up environment variables

Copy .env.example to .env and fill in/modify the required values as needed.


Starting the server

make dev

Running linter

Step 1: Install golangci-lint locally.

Step 2: Run the lint commmand:

make lint

Testing your code

By convention, test files are named *_test.go and are placed in the same directory as the code they are testing.

To run all tests:

make test

To run all tests and view test coverage:

make coverage

Building for production

make build