sourcecred / odyssey-hackathon

Repo for working on our Odyssey Hackathon project
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This repository is a fork of sourcecred/sourcecred which contains the SourceCred team's work at the Odyssey Hackathon. At the hackathon, we made an 'Odyssey Plugin' which can represent arbitrary contributions and connections between them. For example, a community could define its values, and record all of the contributions that impacted those values, whether technical or nontechnical. Under the hood, it uses SourceCred's PageRank variant to assign cred to every contribution, value, and person.

For a demo, see:

To update the demo, run ./scripts/ and commit the resultant changes.

The code standards for this repository are significantly loewr than for sourcecred/sourcecred, as befits a hackathon project. We intend to clean up this code and merge it back into mainline sourcecred.