sourcegraph / go-webkit2

WebKit API bindings (WebKitGTK+ v2) for Go
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Webkit Settings? #36

Open xeoncross opened 7 years ago

xeoncross commented 7 years ago

I have lots of custom request additions like timeouts and DNS caching which I would like to use to help webkit handle bad server responses better. (Some can be wrapped up in a proxy if needed)

It looks like some of the browser-feature and HTTP-request Settings can be configured; but I don't see anything here defining the structs or methods of correctly using this function to set

An alternative is that the LoadHTML() function seems to be what is needed for loading web pages where you might have already acquired the source HTML from a proxy or other system. Then again, you can't pass cookies around (that I've found) so we are back at one.

What is the correct way to proceed with reaching a little deeper into webkit to configure all this?