sourcegraph / go-webkit2

WebKit API bindings (WebKitGTK+ v2) for Go
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go-webkit2 provides Go bindings for the WebKitGTK+ 2 API. It permits headless operation of WebKit as well as embedding a WebView in a GTK+ application.


You can specify Go build tags to omit bindings in gotk3 for later versions of GTK (e.g., go build -tags gtk_3_10).

Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev

Pass -tags gtk_3_10 to the go tool if you have GTK 3.10 installed.

Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev

Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S webkitgtk

Other platforms

Make sure you install WebKitGTK+ 2, not version 1. After installation, you should have an include file that satisfies #include <webkit2/webkit2.h>.


As a Go package

package webkit2_test

import (


func Example() {

    webView := webkit2.NewWebView()
    defer webView.Destroy()

    webView.Connect("load-failed", func() {
        fmt.Println("Load failed.")
    webView.Connect("load-changed", func(_ *glib.Object, i int) {
        loadEvent := webkit2.LoadEvent(i)
        switch loadEvent {
        case webkit2.LoadFinished:
            fmt.Println("Load finished.")
            fmt.Printf("Title: %q\n", webView.Title())
            fmt.Printf("URI: %s\n", webView.URI())
            webView.RunJavaScript("window.location.hostname", func(val *gojs.Value, err error) {
                if err != nil {
                    fmt.Println("JavaScript error.")
                } else {
                    fmt.Printf("Hostname (from JavaScript): %q\n", val)

    glib.IdleAdd(func() bool {
        return false


    // output:
    // Load finished.
    // Title: "Google"
    // URI:
    // Hostname (from JavaScript): ""

See the documentation and the test files for usage information and examples.

For more information about the underlying WebKitGTK+ 2 API, refer to the WebKit2 docs.

As a program for evaluating JavaScript in the context of a web page

The included webkit-eval-js program runs the contents of a JavaScript file in the context of a web page. Run with:

$ go get -tags gtk_3_10
$ webkit-eval-js scriptfile.js

For example:

$ echo document.title | webkit-eval-js /dev/stdin

Used in

The following projects use go-webkit2:

Running tests

go test ./webkit2

Note: The tests require an X display. If you are not running in a graphical environment, you can use Xvfb:

Xvfb :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1
go test ./webkit2



See the AUTHORS file for a list of contributors.

Submit contributions via GitHub pull request. Patches should include tests and should pass golint.