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Svelte: Remove "See more details" label #62306

Open taiyab opened 1 month ago

taiyab commented 1 month ago


This is our current results summary widget.

CleanShot 2024-04-30 at 19 53 15@2x

We should eliminate the label that says "See more details" to save vertical space. You should only get a notice there once of the conditions are met for an incomplete search, or whatever other states we have for that.

We could also:

Code Search (Figma)

camdencheek commented 1 month ago

@taiyab If I understand how we got here correctly, we added the "see more details" because if there was nothing in that space, the page jumps when a search goes from showing a message to showing nothing. I don't think we want the search results to shift when a search completes. Thoughts on how to get around that?