sourcegraph / sourcegraph

Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
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**Sourcegraph makes it easy to read, write, and fix code—even in big, complex codebases.** - **Code search:** Search all of your repositories across all branches and all code hosts. - **Code intelligence:** Navigate code, find references, see code owners, trace history, and more. - **Fix and refactor:** Roll out large-scale changes to many repositories at once and track big migrations. ## Getting started - [Use Sourcegraph on the cloud or self-hosted]( - [ public code search](

## Development Refer to the [Developing Sourcegraph guide]( to get started. ### Documentation The `doc` directory has additional documentation for developing and understanding Sourcegraph: - [Project FAQ](./doc/admin/ - [Architecture](./doc/dev/background-information/architecture/ high-level architecture - [Database setup](./doc/dev/background-information/ database best practices - [Go style guide](./doc/dev/background-information/languages/ - [Documentation style guide]( - [GraphQL API](./doc/api/graphql/ useful tips when modifying the GraphQL API - [Contributing](./ ## License This repository contains primarily non-OSS-licensed files. See [LICENSE](LICENSE). Copyright (c) 2018-present Sourcegraph Inc.