souslesens / souslesensGraph

release of souslesensGraph
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Souslesens is a tool to visualize and manipulate graphs. It is based on Neo4j,Visjs and Nodejs

Getting Started

To run Souslesens you need to have Node.js and Neo4j working on you server server or laptop


Warning on subGraph property

in order to facilitate navigation in different graphs , Souslesens introduces the consept of "subGraph". subGraph defines a subset of a Neo4j database by adding a properties on all nodes of the subset of the graph (it is a kind ofa partition of the global graph) . to add this attribute to your database (or a subset) you just need to run this cypher command in neo4j console :

  Match (n)  [where xxx] set n.subGraph="mySubGraph"

and to work with this subGraph in souslesens you specify the subGraph name in the url



  1. download Souslesesens, unzip it and rename it as you want.

  2. install Node.js dependencies: -open a command line and move to the root directory of toutlesens where the package.json file is located. -run command : npm install --save

  3. configure url and login/password for neo4j :edit file ./bin/serverParams and modify neo4jUrl value neo4jUrl: 'http://neo4j:souslesens@' (here "neo4j" is the login and "souslesens" is the password of your Neo4j database)

  4. click on souslesens.bat (Windows) : this command does node ./bin/www

  5. browse to http:/localhost:3002/toutlesens

    • 3002 is the default port, you can change it in ./bin/www file -the first time you load a subGraph souslesens creates a schema (/schema/subGraphName.json). Edit this file to configure graphe appearence, specifically the fields "defaultNodeNameProperty": "name" . This field sets the neo4j property used to name the nodes in souslesens. You can also set a property "isName:1" on each object discribing the nodes properties .

    example : "properties": { "labelName": { "propertyName": { "type": "text", iName:1 }... You can also set node colors and icons in this file

  6. you can manage node and app startup using [PM2] (



version 2.0.1


[Claude Fauconnet] (


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Jean-Paul Taravella