souslesens / souslesensVocables

SousLeSensVocables is a set of tools to manage semantic web thesaurii and ontologies (SKOS,OWL,RDF)
MIT License
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Prettier Jest Cypress Tests Docker build and push

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SousLesensVocables is a set of tools developed to manage Thesaurus and Ontologies resources through SKOS , OWL and RDF standards and graph visualisation approaches.

It has functionalities to :

A key feature of SLSV is graph visualization and interaction performed using excellent visjs/vis-network open source solution

Annotate tool allows annotate textual corpus with several registered lexical resources and identify missing terms


Please visit Technical Design Documents for details on the technical details of souslesensVocable.

Please watch the videos at videos sections for getting started with souslesensVocable.

SLSV Glossary provides definitions of several terms used in souslesensVocable.

Deploy a production instance


In production, souslesensVocable is deployed using docker with docker-compose-plugin. Install docker following this link.

Configure the deployment

Clone the souslesensVocables repository

git clone
cd souslesensVocables

Checkout the latest release

git checkout x.x.x  # replace with release number (e.g. 1.15.0)

Create a .env file from the template

cp env.template .env

Edit the .env file:

The DATA_ROOT_DIR is defined by default to /tmp, change it for data persistance.

variable description
TAG souslesensVocable release. Same as you checkout at the previous step
VOCABLES_LISTEN_PORT Port of souslesensVocable that will be exposed outside
VIRTUOSO_LISTEN_PORT Port of virtuoso that will be exposed outside
JOWL_LISTEN_PORT Port of jowl that will be exposed outside
JOWL_PATH Path of the jowl repository
SLS_API_LISTEN_PORT Port of sls-api that will be exposed outside
SLS_API_PATH Path of the sls-api repository
DATA_ROOT_DIR Where the data will be written
USER_PASSWORD Password of the admin user automatically created at first start
SA_PASSWORD Password of the sql server
DBA_PASSWORD Password of the virtuoso server

Advanced configuration


All entries from SouslesensVocables mainConfig.json can be overwritten with env variables. For example VOCABLES__SQLserver__user=toto will be converted into {"SQLserver": {"user": "toto"}}.


Refer to the docker-virtuoso documentation.


Refer to the Elasticsearch documentation.


Refer to the SQLServer documentation.

Build docker image

We do not provide a docker image for SouslesensVocables. You have to build it yourself:

docker compose build vocables

Create the data directories

Elasticsearch and SqlServer needs directories with specific right. Use the following commands to create directories usable by ElasticSearch and SqlServer.

bash scripts/

Launch the docker stack

docker compose up -d

SouslesensVocables will be available at localhost:3010.

Data loading


Upgrading souslesens

First, fetch the latest changes

git fetch

Then, checkout the desired release

git checkout x.x.x  # replace with release number (e.g. 1.16.0)

Change the TAG number in the .env file

Rebuild the image

docker compose build vocables

Finally, restart the docker stack

docker compose up -d

Install locally (development instance)


In development, souslesensVocable needs a Virtuoso instance, an ElasticSearch instance and a Sql and a Spacy server. We provide a to deploy this dependencies.

SouslesensVocables is deployed locally using node and npm.


Install docker following this link.


Install nodejs from the nodesource package repository (detailed instruction here).

Install npm dependencies

npm ci


Run the config script to create a default configuration:

node scripts/init_configs.js

Start docker dependencies

Start the servers with docker compose

docker compose -f up -d

Load some data into virtuoso

bash tests/ dev

Optionnaly create a user account in MariaDB (for database authentication)

bash scripts/ dev <login> <password>

Run migration scripts

Certain version need migration of data. See before upgrading.

To run migration scripts you need to use the command

npm run migrate

At project root

Under Windows need to use git bash to run this script

cd project-root
npm run migrate

Run souslesens server (dev mode)

The following command will build and watch the react app and run and watch the node app.

npm run dev:fullstack

SouslesensVocables will be available at localhost:3010.

Contribute to souslesensVocable

To contribute to souslesensVocable, fork the repo and submit Pull Requests.

continuous integration


We use Prettier for Javascript code formatting. Please run npm run prettier:write before each commit to format your code.


We provide a docker-compose.test.yaml and a tests/ script to build a testing environment.

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yaml -d
bash tests/


To create a new release:

npm run release:minor  # or patch or major

Then, edit the generated if necessary and tag the release with

npm run release:tag

And push commits and tag to GitHub

git push --tags

GitHub releases and docker images are created on tags with GitHub Actions.

Plugins system

Create a plugin

In root create a plugins folder

mkdir plugins

Each directory is named after the plugin we want to add.

└── MyPluginName
    └── public
        └── js
            └── main.js

The plugin's directory must contain a public directory with the source code within it.

main.js must export a single IIFE function or class instance.

class MyPlugin {
        alert(`Welcome ${this.user}`)

    setConfig(config) {
        this.user = config.user
export default new MyPlugin();

Once it done, don't forget to add the plugin's name to mainConfig.tools_available. If you still don't see the plugin in the jsTree, check that your user's profile allows to see this plugin. The function onLoaded is loaded when you select the tool.

Plugin repositories

Plugins can be stored in an external Git repository and used by SLS, to allow versionning and simpler management.

The remote repository must contains, at least, one plugin in a dedicated directory:

└── .git
└── MyPluginName
    └── public
        └── js
            └── main.js

To use external repositories, the best way is to add this repository from the ConfigEditor tool, in the “Plugins” section. The admin profile is mandatory to use this tool.

After the registration of the repository in SLS, this one can be edited to select which plugins must be activated by the instance.

The external repositories will be stored in the plugins.available directory.

Plugin configuration

If a plugin requires configuration, it can be added to the config/pluginsConfig.json file:

    "MyPlugin": {
        "user": "John Doe"

This configuration will be provided to the plugin by calling the setConfig method.

Its possible to edit this configuration from the “Plugins” section in the ConfigEditor. The admin profile is mandatory to use this tool.

Plugin communication with other tools

Other tools can communicate with plugins. To configure a communication from a tool to a plugin, use a getToolRelations function that must return an object like:

self.getToolRelations = function () {
    return { KGquery: "queryToTagsCalendar" };

This mean that the KGquery tool will be able to communicate with the plugin using the queryToTagsCalendar function (defined in souslesens).

Use SousLesens modules on plugin

SousLesens modules can be imported form plugins using import. For example:

import common from "/vocables/modules/shared/common.js;

The following Github Repository contains all the plugins of SLS and give more informations about them :


The authentication system used by SLS can be set in the mainConfig.json file, by editing the auth option.

This option can used these values:

Name Description
auth0 Provide the users from an application on
disabled Disable the authentication and use the instance as admin
keycloak Provide the users from a keycloak instance
local Provide the users from the config/users/users.json file

The auth0 and keycloak options use the passport JavaScript module. The users will be registered in the users/users.json file in the configuration directory.


This provider can be configured with the auth0 section in the mainConfig.json file:

Option Type Description
domain string Define the application domain URI
clientID string The identifier of the application
clientSecret string The secret used to identify the application
scope string The scope of the application, by default openid email profile
api object This section contains a clientID and clientSecret which can be used to fetch the auth0 API

The auth0 implementation in SLS will associate the Roles from the auth0 application with the Profile in the SLS configuration.

When an user logged in SLS, a request is sent to the auth0 API. This behavior needs the existance of a Machine to Machine application on auth0. If this application is not the main one, the associated clientID and clientSecret can be set with the api section in the auth0 configuration.


This provider can be configured with the keycloak section in the mainConfig.json file:

Option Type Description
authServerURL string The URL of the KeyCloak server
clientID string The identifier of the application
clientSecret string The secret used to identify the application
publicClient boolean True if the KeyCloak instance Access Type is set to public
realm string The identifier of the KeyCloak instance realm


This provider used the content of the config/users/users.json file to manage users.

An example of this file can be found in config_templates/users/users.json.default.