Thanks for your interest in helping out the community by adding groups/events to our index.
Events are typically longer than 4 hours and happen on an irregular schedule.
To Add an event create a Markdown File with a URL friendly name for the event. It should start with the date of the event in year, month, day format and an underscore (i.e.
In the file you create you will enter the details for your event, it should look like this.
state: TX
region: DFW
title: Serverless Open Hack
start_date: 2018-10-23
end_date: 2018-10-25
cost: Free
topics: [ azure, webdev, dotnet ]
Keep in Mind
)Groups are typically monthly meetings for an hour or two.
To Add a group create a Markdown File with a URL friendly name for the group (i.e.
In the file you create you will enter the details for your group, it should look like this.
state: TX
region: Austin
title: Austin Azure Meetup
topics: [ azure, webdev ]
Keep in Mind
Topics allow the community to see groups/events accross a specific topic.
To Add a topic create a Markdown File with a URL friendly name for the topic (i.e.
In the file you create you will enter the details for your topic, it should look like this.
slug: azure
title: Azure
Keep in Mind
If you have to add one of these please open a GitHub Issue
We should not need to add any of these.