southojere / modern-graphql-api-template

Backend template - Prisma, GraphQL, Authentication, Authorization, CI/CD, Deployment
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GraphQL Server with Authentication & Permissions

GraphQL server with an email-password-based authentication workflow and authentication rules, based on Prisma, graphql-yoga, graphql-shield & Nexus Schema. You can run the database using docker or by using the database file that contains some dummy data at ./prisma/dev.db.

Tech Stack

How to use

Install dependencies:

npm install

Rename .env.example to .env. Then start up the database.

docker-compose up -d

then docker-compose ps to verify your database has started.

Generate types

npm run generate

Running the database for the first time (run migration scripts)

npm run migrate:up

Starting the GraphQL server

npm run dev

Seeding data

npm run seed

Navigate to http://localhost:4000 in your browser to explore the API of your GraphQL server in a GraphQL Playground.

How to update data models

1) update scheme.prisma 2) next save the migration npx prisma migrate save --experimental --name "init-db" (prisma will take a snapshot of the schema and figure out the necessary steps to carry out the migration) 3) run the migration npx prisma migrate up --experimental (prisma migrate will use the newly created migration file to run the migration and alter the DB)


We are using Heroku to host the database and GraphQL API (PaaS). This means our application will run constantly even if no requests are made to it. (FaaS vs PaaS



We are using Github Actions.

Prisma Studio (Built in database management tool)

If you want to view the database

npm run studio


Register a new user

You can send the following mutation in the Playground to sign up a new user and retrieve an authentication token for them:

mutation createUser {
  signup(name:"bob", email:"", password: "pass") {
    user {

Log in an existing user

This mutation will log in an existing user by requesting a new authentication token for them:

mutation login {
    user {

Check whether a user is currently logged in with the me query

For this query, you need to make sure a valid authentication token is sent along with the Bearer-prefix in the Authorization header of the request:

  "Authorization": "Bearer __YOUR_TOKEN__"

With a real token, this looks similar to this:

  "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJjanAydHJyczFmczE1MGEwM3kxaWl6c285IiwiaWF0IjoxNTQzNTA5NjY1fQ.Vx6ad6DuXA0FSQVyaIngOHYVzjKwbwq45flQslnqX04"

Inside the Playground, you can set HTTP headers in the bottom-left corner:

Once you've set the header, you can send the following query to check whether the token is valid:

  me {

3. Generate Prisma Client

With the updated Prisma schema, you can now also update the Prisma Client API with the following command:

npx prisma generate

This command updated the Prisma Client API in node_modules/@prisma/client.