souvik-ghosh / react-native-create-thumbnail

iOS/Android thumbnail generator with support for both local and remote videos
MIT License
252 stars 105 forks source link
android ios react-native thumbnails video


iOS/Android thumbnail generator with storage/cache management and support for both local and remote videos. react-native-create-thumbnail is a wrapper around AVAssetImageGenerator (iOS) and MediaMetadataRetriever (Android)

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Getting started

  1. Install library from npm

    npm i react-native-create-thumbnail


    yarn add react-native-create-thumbnail
  2. Link native code

    With autolinking (react-native 0.60+)

    cd ios && pod install

    Pre 0.60

    react-native link react-native-create-thumbnail


import { createThumbnail } from "react-native-create-thumbnail";

  url: '<path to video file>',
  timeStamp: 10000,
  .then(response => console.log({ response }))
  .catch(err => console.log({ err }));

Request Object

Property Type Description
url String (required) Path to video file (local or remote)
timeStamp Number (default 0) Thumbnail timestamp (in milliseconds)
format String (default jpeg) Thumbnail format, can be one of: jpeg, or png
maxWidth Number (default 512) Max thumbnail width in px
maxHeight Number (default 512) Max thumbnail height in px
dirSize Number (default 100) Maximum size of the cache directory (in megabytes). When this directory is full, the previously generated thumbnails will be deleted to clear about half of it's size.
headers Object Headers to load the video with. e.g. { Authorization: 'someAuthToken' }
cacheName String (optional) Cache name for this thumbnail to avoid duplicate generation. If specified, and a thumbnail already exists with the same cache name, it will be returned instead of generating a new one.
timeToleranceMs Number (default 2000, Only iOS) Time tolerance in ms for the system to pick the best matching video frame
onlySyncedFrames Boolean (default true, Only Android) Specify how Android target frames. Use true to retrieve a sync frame that has a timestamp closest to the specified one. Use false to retrieve a frame that may or may not be a sync frame but is closest to the specified timestamp.

Response Object

Property Type Description
path String Path to generated thumbnail
size Number Size (in bytes) of thumbnail
mime String Mimetype of thumbnail
width Number Thumbnail width
height Number Thumbnail height


Requires following Permissions on android




Maintenance Status

Active: Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.