spacedrop / spacedrop

An open-source CMS in JavaScript, built with Meteor and React.
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An open-source CMS in JavaScript, built with Meteor and React.

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API examples

Below APIs are functional, more APIs are coming soon!

Menu API

Create route to view content of type node.

  path: 'node/:nid',
  component: SD.Views.Node,
  subscriptions: {
    'node.node': ['nid']

Permission API

Create permission to access published content.

  name: 'access content',
  title: 'View published content'

Create a role with limited permissions.

  name: 'guest',
  permissions: {
    'access content': 1

Entity API

Create an entity of type "node".

let Node = class extends SD.Structure.Entity {
  constructor({ name, schema = {}, indexes = {} }) {
      type: 'node',
      bundle: name,
      schema: _.extend({
        nid: {
          type: Number,
          optional: true,
          autoValue: () => {
            return this.collection.find().count() + 1;
        bundle: {
          type: String,
          optional: true,
          autoValue: function() {
            return name;
        title: {
          type: String
      }, schema)

    // Ensure index for entity type node.
    Node._ensureIndex('nid', {unique: 1});

// Export Node to packages and application.
SD.Structure.Node = Node;

Node API

Create a content type (bundle) with the name "page".

let Page = new SD.Structure.Node({
  name: 'page',
  schema: {
    body: {
      type: String

List all pages (nodes of content type "page").

let nodes = Page.find();

List all nodes regardless of content type (bundle).

let nodes = SD.Structure.Node.find();

Help improve these APIs! Fork and create a pull request, when it gets committed you'll be added as member of the die-hards and help decide the future for this project.
