spaceml-org / GIBS-Downloader

GIBS Downloader is a command-line tool which facilitates the downloading of NASA satellite imagery and offers different functionalities in order to prepare the images for training in a machine learning pipeline.
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![GIBS Downloader header image](images/gibs-downloader-header.jpg)

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GIBS Downloader

GIBS Downloader is a command-line tool which facilitates the downloading of NASA satellite imagery and offers different functionalities in order to prepare the images for training in a machine learning pipeline. The tool currently provides support for NASA GIBS imagery products found here.
\ E.g. you can download images of the first week of the 2020 California wildfires as follows:

gdl 2020-08-16 2020-08-22 "37.003277, -124.328539" "40.353784, -120.253964"

\ Read further for more explanation on how to get the most out of GIBS Downloader. Alternatively, Google Colab Notebook Example to start using GIBS Downloader immediately.

GIBS Downloader three step installation guide


This package depends on the GDAL translator library. Unfortunately, GDAL is not pip installable. Before installing the GIBS Downloader package and thus the GDAL Python binding, you have to install GDAL on your machine. I have found that one of the easiest ways to do this is with conda. After installing conda from either Ananconda or Miniconda, create a conda environment in which you will use the GIBS Downloader, and then install GDAL as follows:

conda install -c conda-forge gdal=3.2.0


Once GDAL is installed on your machine, the GIBS Downloader package can be installed using:

pip install git+

Once installed, the packaged can be referenced as gdl on the command-line.
\ NOTE: this package must be installed in the same environment in which you installed GDAL.

GIBS Downloader installation guide


GIBS Downloader usage guide

Positional Arguments

There are four required positional arguments which are as follows: start-date (dates entered as YYYY-MM-DD), end-date, bottom-left-coords, top-right-coords. The first two arguments establish a range of dates to download the images, and the last two arguments form the bottom left and top right coordinates of the desired rectangular region to be downloaded. Note that the bottom left and top right coordinate pairs should be entered as "latitude, longitude", in quotations.

Optional Parameters

As well as the required positional arguments, the GIBS Downloader also offers some optional parameters for increased customizability.

Satellite Imagery Product Search and Selection

Click here to view an example product search utilizing the dataset searcher --- Suppose the user wants a dataset of images of population density for North America. To utilize the search feature, the user might enter the following command: ```bash gdl 2020-09-15 2020-09-15 "33.33220194089801, -116.2071864542481" "47.13878705347208, -66.28531296463223" --name="population density" ``` GIBS Downloader will return the following search results: | Imagery_Product_Name | Image_Resolution | | --------------------------- | ---------------- | | GPW_Population_Density_2000 | 1 km | | GPW_Population_Density_2005 | 1 km | | GPW_Population_Density_2010 | 1 km | | GPW_Population_Density_2015 | 1 km | | GPW_Population_Density_2020 | 1 km | The user is provided with the full names of all imagery products featuring "population" as well as their associated resolutions. To download population density images from 2020, the user would then enter the same command as before, replacing "population" with the full imagery layer name: ```bash gdl 2020-09-15 2020-09-15 "33.33220194089801, -116.2071864542481" "47.13878705347208, -66.28531296463223" --name="GPW_Population_Density_2020" ``` The download yields the following image: ![North America population density image](images/NA_population.png) ---


Click here for an example of setting the resolution --- By default, the `MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor` has a resolution of .25 km2/pixel. If we want to download an image of the entire world at this default resolution, the downloaded file will be `(159840x79920)` and `38 gb`. That file is incredibly useful to generate hundreds of thousands of tiles of the Earth, but it is not able to be viewed due to its large size. However, if we specify the resolution to be set to 10 km2/pixel, then the downloaded file is `(3996×1998)` and `1.8 mb)` -- which can very easily be displayed. (see below) ```bash gdl 2020-09-27 2020-09-27 "-90, -180" "90, 180" --product=modis --res=10 ``` ![Image of the entire world](images/MODIS-Terra-CorrectedReflectance-TrueColor_2020-09-27.jpeg) ---


Generate TFRecords

Generate Video


Additional features

GIBS Downloader image retrieval guide


Say we want to download MODIS images of the Bay Area in California from 15 September 2020 to 30 September 2020, while also tiling the downloaded images and writing to TFRecords.
\ This can be done with the following command:

gdl 2020-09-15 2020-09-30 "37.003277, -124.328539" "40.353784, -120.253964" --tile=true --generate-tfrecords=true --product=modis

\ If we wanted specify the tile size and overlap, while also removing the original downloaded images, the command would be:

gdl 2020-09-15 2020-09-30 "37.003277, -124.328539" "40.353784, -120.253964" --tile=true --tile-width=256 --tile-height=256 --tile-overlap=0 --remove-originals=true --generate-tfrecords=true --product=modis

\ These will create the following directory structure:

      |> original_images/
           |> product_date.jpeg
      |> tiled_images/
           |> width_height_overlap/
                |> date/
                     |> MODIS_grid_tile/
                          |> date_coordinates.jpeg
      |> tfrecords
           |> width_height_overlap/
                |> product_tf.tfrecord

The following two images were included in the range of dates downloaded with the above commands

California wildfires clear image

Clearly visible are the wildfires that plagued California between September and October of 2020.

California wildfires smokey image


How can I find the coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners of the rectangular region that I want to download?

On Google Maps, you can right click at any point on the map, and you will be able to copy that point's latitude and longitude. You can then right click on two points that would form the bottom left and top right corners of a rectangular region and copy those coordinates.

What format will my imagery be downloaded in?

Each imagery product has an associated file format, and your download will try to be in that format (usually either JPEG or PNG). However, if the region you elect to download is too large for one file as the specified format, then your data will be downloaded as a GeoTiff. Then, once you choose to tile that image, the generated tiles will be the format associated with the product (again, usually JPEG or PNG).

What is tiling?

The image files for the downloaded regions can potentially be very large images that you might not be able to work with directly (think images of the whole world). Tiling makes smaller "tiles" from the large image, which are essentially smaller images that combine to form the larger one. These tiles typically serve as input to machine learning models.

Can I tile images and write to TFRecords after already having downloaded them?

If you initially download a region for a range of dates without electing to tile the images, you can call the command again with the same coordinates for the region and same range of dates but with the tiling flag set to true, and the package will tile the already downloaded images. You can also call the same command multiple times with varying tile sizes and overlaps, and the package will create new folders in tiled_images/ for each specified combination of tile size and overlap. It will not download the tiff files for the same region and dates twice. Note that if you select --remove-originals, you will not be able to perform these additional tilings after the initial command, as the original images will be deleted.

I want to download imagery of the entire Earth. What do I need to know?

To download the entire Earth, the coordinates you need to enter are: "-90, -180" "90, 180". The GeoTiff file for one day of the entire Earth is approximately 38 GB. The dimensions of the file of the world will be (159840x79920). If you tile this image, assuming a tile width and height of 512 pixels and 0.5 overlap, you should expect 194,688 tiles to be created.

Upcoming Features/Developments


If you find GIBS Downloader useful in your research, please consider citing

  title={Democratizing Earth Science Research with Accessible Data High-Performance Training Pipelines},
  author={Lisboa, Fernando and Verma, Shivam and Koul, Anirudh and Kasam, Meher Anand and Ganju, Siddha},
  journal={Committee on Space Research Cloud Computing Workshop},