spark-c / SparksieBOT

A Discord bot that provides upkeep, utility, and some fun commands for my personal discord server.
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A Discord bot that provides upkeep, utility, and some fun commands for my personal discord server!


(Functions cog)

!cat: Returns a random cat picture. You can type something after '!cat' to search for that query instead of cat. Optional argument "-f" to return the first (read: most relevant) search result for your query.\ Usage: !cat [-f] [<alternate-query>]\ !cat -f dog

!marco: Pings you with 'Polo!' from a different text channel.\ Usage: !marco\ !marco

!ping - Pong!\ Usage: !ping\ !ping

!roll: "Rolls" some number of dice, of some given size.\ Usage: !roll <num-dice>d<die-size>\ !roll 4d6

!say: Makes the bot say whatever you type after !say\ Usage: !say <statement>\ !say hello, world

!sleepy: Turns bot off (confirm with a reply of 'y').\ Usage !sleepy\ !sleepy

!teampicker: Returns numbers in the format [ 1, 2 ] vs [ 3, 4, 5 ] in random order to assign teams. Plans to optionally use names from an occupied voice channel instead.\ Usage: !teampicker <team1size> <team2size>\ !teampicker 2 3

!help: Displays help message for all commands, or the specified command.\ Usage: !help [<command-name>]\ !help or !help teampicker

TODO: Update code and documentation for !help_printout (shows this message)

(Listkeeper cog)

!newlist: Creates a new list.\ Usage: !newlist <list-name> [<list-description>]\ !newlist "My First List" "This is the first list that I have made."

!additem: Adds an item to the selected list.\ Usage: !additem [-l <list-name>] <item-name> [<item-note>]\ !additem -l "My First List" Item1 "The first item of the list"

!list: Prints out the entire selected list and its items.\ Usage: !list [<list-name>]\ !list "My First List"

!listall: Shows all lists created on this server.\ Usage: !listall\ !listall

!rmlist: Removes / Deletes a list.\ Usage: !rmlist <list-name> (list-name REQUIRED!)\ !rmlist "My First List"

!rmitem: Removes / Deletes an item from a list.\ Usage: !rmitem [-l <list-name>] <item-name>\ !rmitem -l "My First List" Item1

(Music cog)

Work in progress on branch "music"!

(Minecraft cog)

!playercount: Returns the number of players currently connected to the Baby Blue Minecraft server. Optionally takes the argument "names" to return the players' usernames as well.\ Usage: !playercount ["names"]\ !playercount names

TBD: Finish ist of commands and functionality.