sparker256 / xsaitekpanels

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Xsaitekpanels X-Plane plugin for

Saitek Switch, Radio, Multi & BIP panels.



Xsaitekpanels is written by William R. Good.

This project is and will be continue to be completely free, but if you want to support it by means of donation, I really would appreciate that.

Thank you,



Building Xsaitekpanels from source

On windows

  1. Install required software using Chocolatey using admin command prompt:

    choco install git cmake
    choco install mingw --version 8.1.0

    You can also install the same programs manually if you prefer.

  2. Checkout and configure the project:

    git clone
    cd xsaitekpanels
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -S .\src -B .\build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
  3. Build the project and copy the plugin DLL into the appropriate directory:

    cmake --build .\build
    mkdir .\Xsaitekpanels\win_x64
    copy .\build\win.xpl .\Xsaitekpanels\win_x64\Xsaitekpanels.xpl

On Ubuntu:

  1. Install required software:

    sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential cmake git freeglut3-dev libudev-dev libopenal-dev
  2. Checkout and configure the project:

    git clone
    cd xsaitekpanels
    cmake -S ./src -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
  3. Build the project and copy the plugin DLL into the appropriate directory:

    cmake --build ./build
    mkdir ./Xsaitekpanels/lin_x64
    cp ./build/lin.xpl ./Xsaitekpanels/lin_x64/Xsaitekpanels.xpl

On OS X:

  1. Install XCode, Git, CMake (Homebrew can be convenient for this).

  2. Checkout and configure the project:

    git clone
    cd xsaitekpanels
    cmake -S ./src -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
  3. Build the project and copy the plugin DLL into the appropriate directory:

    cmake --build ./build
    mkdir ./Xsaitekpanels/mac_x64
    cp ./build/mac.xpl ./Xsaitekpanels/mac_x64/Xsaitekpanels.xpl