sparkfun / SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3

An Arduino library which allows you to communicate seamlessly with u-blox GNSS modules using the Configuration Interface
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Relative Position NED not returning proper data over I2C. #54

Closed Supernova1114 closed 7 months ago

Supernova1114 commented 7 months ago

Subject of the issue

I am able to view Relative Position NED data from the U-Blox U-Center application via USB. I have the Relative Position NED automatically sending packets over the UBX protocol, and can view those packets being sent. When connected over I2C, I am able to receive positional data from the simple GetPosition Arduino example, however, when I test the RelativePositionInformation example, the packet returns zero for all data points.

Your workbench


Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect rover GPS that produces RelPosNED solutions via USB to computer with U-Blox U-center application.
  2. Double check that Relative Position NED is working within u-center. (Gives valid solution) and receives heading information.
  3. Disconnect USB cable.
  4. Run Arduino code and see that zeros are output from every data point. The only data that is set correctly is gnssFixOK. After a good while, diffSoln will also set itself to true.

Stripped down code from the Zed-F9P > Example5_RelativePositioningInformation.ino example:

#include <Wire.h> //Needed for I2C to GNSS

#include <SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3.h> //http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3

// Callback
void printRELPOSNEDdata(UBX_NAV_RELPOSNED_data_t *ubxDataStruct)
  Serial.println("New RELPOSNED data received:");

  Serial.print("relPosLength (m): ");
  Serial.println(((double)ubxDataStruct->relPosLength / 100) + ((double)ubxDataStruct->relPosHPLength / 10000), 4); // Convert cm to m
  Serial.print("relPosHeading (Deg): ");
  Serial.println((double)ubxDataStruct->relPosHeading / 100000); // Convert deg * 1e-5 to degrees

  Serial.print("gnssFixOk: ");
  if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.gnssFixOK == true)

  Serial.print("diffSolution: ");
  if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.diffSoln == true)

  Serial.print("relPosValid: ");
  if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.relPosValid == true)

  Serial.print("carrier Solution Type: ");
  if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.carrSoln == 0)
  else if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.carrSoln == 1)
  else if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.carrSoln == 2)

  Serial.print("isMoving: ");
  if (ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.isMoving == true)

void setup()

  Serial.println("u-blox Base station example");

  Wire.setClock(400000); //Increase I2C clock speed to 400kHz

  while (myGNSS.begin(Wire, 0x43) == false) //Connect to the u-blox module using Wire port
    Serial.println(F("u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Retrying..."));

  myGNSS.setAutoRELPOSNEDcallbackPtr(&printRELPOSNEDdata); // Enable automatic NAV RELPOSNED messages with callback to printRELPOSNEDdata

void loop()
  myGNSS.checkUblox(); // Check for new RELPOSNED data

Expected behavior

Return proper data from RelPosNED.

Actual behavior

All data points return zero from RelPosNED.

PaulZC commented 7 months ago

Hi @Supernova1114 ,

The Mega is a 5V board. The ZED is 3.3V. You will get errors in the I2C signals due to the voltage difference. You need a level shifter:

Also, please check you are connecting your red wire to the Mega 3.3V breakout pin. (I can't see the pin clearly in your photo.) You may damage the ZED if you connect Qwiic 3.3V to 5V.

I hope this helps, Paul

Supernova1114 commented 7 months ago

That is a whoops by my part, I think I was indeed using 5V. Thankfully the boards don't seem to be damaged yet. I will get back to y'all near the end of the day to see if this solves the issue. Thanks for the feedback!

PaulZC commented 7 months ago

Also, you have two ZEDs on the same I2C bus. Have you set the address of one to 0x43? Have you saved the address in ZED flash memory? (Are you sure the addresses are correct - and not causing bus collisions?)

Best, Paul

PaulZC commented 7 months ago

Closing this as it seems clear it is a hardware issue. Please re-open if you need more help. Best wishes, Paul

Supernova1114 commented 7 months ago

This ended up fixing the issue thank you! Using 3.3 V instead of 5 V.

I just also wanted to mention that a symptom of using 5V is also that the GPS is very slow to return data, which makes sense that this would be caused by errors in the I2C signal.

PaulZC commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the update. Glad that's working for you...