sparshg / battleship

Classic battleship game, two-players, online.
MIT License
2 stars 5 forks source link

Battleship Online

Play the classic game of Battleship against your friends online! Each player will take turns guessing the location of the other player's ships. The first player to sink all of the other player's ships wins!

Dark mode Light mode

Development Guide

The client is built using SvelteKit (static site) and the server uses Axum framework (Rust). The client and server communicate using (WebSockets). PostgreSQL is used as a database to store the game state.

The client can be started using npm run dev inside app directory.

The server and the database services are containerized. Just run docker compose up to start the server and database services if you are working on the frontend. Make sure to make a .env file with these parameters:


If you are working on the server, you can run cargo watch -i app -x run to automatically restart the server when the source code changes, and docker compose up -d db to start the database service in the background.

SQLx is used as the database driver for Rust. The driver automatically tests the SQL query macros at compile time. This can fail the rust-analyzer or cargo build if the database isn't setup/running. You can run docker compose up db to start the database service. To disable this check altogether, set the SQLX_OFFLINE environment variable to true.