spase-group / spase-base-model

Specification for the SPASE base information model.
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need ways for connections between datasets and Python Packages #23

Open jvandegriff opened 2 years ago

jvandegriff commented 2 years ago

This is not a fully SPASE issue, but there need to be ways for people exploring specific datasets to know which software packages might be relevant for that data.

There is interest in doing this kind of knowledge linking across the SPASE and Python in Heliophysics Community (PyHC) and maybe Helionauts.

Maybe one answer is to add a relevantSoftwarePackage item to a NumericalData entry.

rmcgranaghan commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Jon! This is important. We held a workshop (and ongoing workshops) about this concept through the Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW) project.

You can see the outcomes of the workshop here, but for this conversation the most relevant artifact is a draft conceptual model for our data and software (any tool, really) that could achieve what you are describing. It is in our Miro board here - pw: helioknow)

lfb12345 commented 12 months ago

I am just starting to look at this issue, will need more time to understand and respond.