spase-group / spase-base-model

Specification for the SPASE base information model.
Apache License 2.0
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Specification for the SPASE base information model.

Specification Files

Each release version of the model has its own specification files that are stored in separte folders that have the release version in the folder name. For example, the folder name for version 2.3.1 of the base SPASE information model is in the folder "spase-base-2.3.1"

The information model specification is divided into 5 distinct flat tables stored in files as tab delimited records.

The files are:

Data types used in the information model. Tools will translate these types into the appropriate type in the generated expressions. For example, a tool that generates a JSON expression of the model will translate "Numeric" type into a "var".

Schema: Name Description
Version Release version of the model.
Since Initial version of the model this term was introduced.
Type The name given to the type
Description A description of the item.

The definition of terms in the model vocabulary. Term names must be unique.

Schema: Name Description
Version Release version of the model.
Since Initial version of the model this term was introduced.
Term The name for the term.
Type The data type of the term.
List The name of an enumerated list, used when type is "Enumeration"
Attributes Additional aspects of the term. These are analogous to attirbutes in XML elements. Rarely used.
Description A definition of term.

The definition of enumeration lists.

Schema: Name Description
Version Release version of the model.
Since Initial version of the model this term was introduced.
Name The name for the item.
Type The classification of the kind of list. Allowed values are "Closed" for lists with a defined set of members and "Union" which have a combination of members from two or more other enumerations.
Reference A comma separated list of enumeration list names. Names must include a namespace prefix. For example, "spase:Region" refers to the "Region" list in the "spase" namespace.
Description A definition of term.

The definition of members of a enumeration lists.

Schema: Name Description
Version Release version of the model.
Since Initial version of the model this term was introduced.
List The name of the list the item is a member of.
Item The name of the term which is a member of the list. The term must be definition in the dictionary.

The hierarchial organization of the dictionary terms.

Schema: Name Description
Version Release version of the model.
Since Initial version of the model this term was introduced.
Object The name of the grouping of terms.
Element The name of a member of the group. This can be a dictionary term or the name of defined object.
Order The appearance order of the element in the group. The first element is "1".
Occurrence The number of times the element is allowed to appear in the group. Allowed values are: "0" for an optional element, "1" for a required element that can appear only once, "*" for an element that can appear any number of times and "+" for an element that must be present, but can appear any number of times.
Group The name of super group for the object. A super group allows any member object to appear. For example, in the "Spase" group any of the resource type groups may appear.
Type The inherited type for the group or element. Used when defining an extension to the another specification. For example, the simulation extensions use many of the terms and objects defined in the base SPASE information model.

Other Specification Files

Files used to create the PDF documentation are in the "template" folder of the information model.

Creating distribution

Using the spase-model-tools which can be installed with:

npm install spase-model-tools -g


spase-model-json -b spase-base-2.3.2 -o ../model/spase-base-2.3.2.json


spase-model-xsd -d model/spase-base-2.3.2.json -o model/spase-base-2.3.2.xsd


spase-model-pdf -b spase-base-2.3.2/template -d ../../model/spase-base-2.3.2.json -o ../../model/spase-base-2.3.2.pdf

In a development environment with tool source nearby:


node ../../spase-model-tools-node/src/makejson.js -b spase-base-2.3.2 -o ../model/spase-base-2.3.2.json


node ../../spase-model-tools-node/src/makexsd.js -d model/spase-base-2.3.2.json -o model/spase-base-2.3.2.xsd


node ../../spase-model-tools-node/src/makepdf.js -b spase-base-2.3.2/template -d ../../model/spase-base-2.3.2.json -o ../../model/spase-base-2.3.2.pdf

Handy scripts

Run with no options will build all versions of the data model in the current directory. Output is written in the "build" folder.

If a version number is given as the first option, it will build just that version number.

If "draft" is given as the second option, a draft version of the model will be built.

Example: Build draft for version 2.5.0

bash 2.5.0 draft