A small Leaflet plugin to generate an IDW interpolated map
A tiny, simple and fast Leaflet inverse distance weighting plugin. Largely based on the Leaflet.heat plugin by Vladimir Agafonkin.
Leaflet.idw implements a simple inverse distance weighting algorithm). Every cell is calculated with the center of the cell (h/2,w/2) as the anchor from which the distance to the points is calculated.
CellSize: 1
CellSize: 5
CellSize: 10
var idw = L.idwLayer([
[50.5, 30.5, 0.2], // lat, lng, intensity
[50.6, 30.4, 0.5],
], {opacity: 0.3, cellSize: 10, exp: 2, max: 1200}).addTo(map);
To include the plugin, just use leaflet-idw.js from the src folder:
<script src="https://github.com/spatialsparks/Leaflet.idw/raw/master/leaflet-idw.js"></script>
Constructs an IDW layer given an array of points and an object with the following options:
opacity - the opacity of the IDW layer
max - maximum point values, 1.0 by default
cellSize - height and width of each cell, 25 by default
exp - exponent used for weighting, 1 by default
gradient - color gradient config, e.g. {0.4: 'blue', 0.65: 'lime', 1: 'red'}
Each point in the input array can be either an array like [50.5, 30.5, 0.5], or a Leaflet LatLng object.
Third argument in each LatLng point represents point value. Unless max option is specified, values should range between 0.0 and 1.0.
Performance is linked to number of points and cell size:
CellSize: 10px // ~100 Points // 14040 Cells
Draw directly with color:
process: timer started
process: 242.58ms
draw 14040: timer started
draw 14040: 24.27ms
Draw greyscale first:
process: timer started
process: 244.68ms
draw 14040: timer started
draw 14040: 40.71ms
CellSize: 5px // ~100 Points // 56889 Cells
Draw directly with color:
process: timer started
process: 1078.15ms
draw 56889: timer started
draw 56889: 80.17ms
Draw greyscale first:
process: timer started
process: 1068.22ms
draw 56889: timer started 1
draw 56889: 98.03ms
CellSize: 2px // ~100 Points // 349569 Cells
Draw directly with color:
process: timer started
process: 8813.94ms
draw 349569: timer started
draw 349569: 787.89ms
Draw greyscale first:
process: timer started
process: 8775.47ms
draw 349569: timer started
draw 349569: 493.78ms
0.0.2 — May 22, 2016
* Fixed cell size issue (now option is in pixels).
* Created script to generate IDW without greyscale step. See Performance section
0.0.1 — May 20, 2016
Initial release.