Source for the website providing online SPDX tools. The tool provides an easy all-in-one website to upload and parse SPDX documents for validation, comparison and conversion and search SPDX license list. Here you can find more about the working of the tool.
Either the Sun/Oracle JDK/JRE Variant or OpenJDK. Python 3.7+.
Debian/Ubuntu users will have to install g++ and python-dev first:
sudo apt-get install g++ python-dev
Windows users need a Python installation and C++ compiler:
Clone or download the repository.
Create a new virtual environment for the project.
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
py -m venv venv
Install the required python libraries given in the requirements.txt file.
cd spdx-online-tools
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Django migrate.
python src/ migrate
(Optional) If you want use license-xml-editor with licenses/exceptions from spdx license list, download the license name database.
python src/
(Optional) If you want to use the license submittal feature or check license feature, follow the below step(s):
Install redis server on your local machine.
For linux users
sudo apt-get install redis-server
to install the redis server.For Mac users
Install the redis by running the command
brew install redis
If you want to run redis whenever your computer starts then run
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
To run the redis server use
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist
To test if the redis is working run the command redis-cli ping
. If it returns Pong
then you are good to go.
For Windows users
Make sure redis server is running and keep it running until you are done using the license submittal or check license feature.
The redis is used to store the license text of license present on the SPDX license list. For the very first time it may take a while to build the license on the redis server.
SPDX License Matcher matches the license text input by the user(via license submittal form) against the data present on the redis to find for duplicate and near matches.
Start the application.
python src/ runserver
Open localhost:8000/
in the browser.
Register and login to use the tools.
python src/ test
You need to have docker desktop installed on your machine for the container environment.
Prior to starting the docker image, you will need to create a file to set the environment variables described below.
Create a file ".env" with the following content:
You can bring up the Docker image with the following docker-compose command:
docker-compose -f up --build
For the production environment, see the file.
The src/src/
file uses sensitive data to work with the GitHub API. For that reason, sensitive data is maintained as environment variables. Due to that lack of data, some features of SPDX Online Tools and its API won't be able to run as they require the user credentials in order to access the GitHub API. So, the user is supposed to either maintain a .env
file in the src/src/
folder or create environment variables in their os with their credentials in order to ensure proper functioning of the tool.
The src/src/
file contains the following lines along with some methods required to run the tests properly. These include:
def getGithubKey():
return os.environ.get(key="ONLINE_TOOL_GITHUB_KEY")
def getGithubSecret():
return os.environ.get(key="ONLINE_TOOL_GITHUB_SECRET")
def getSecretKey():
return os.environ.get(key="DJANGO_SECRET_KEY")
def getOauthToolKitAppID():
return os.environ.get(key="OAUTH_APP_ID")
def getOauthToolKitAppSecret():
return os.environ.get(key="OAUTH_APP_SECRET")
# The methods getDiffRepoGitToken and getDiffRepoWithOwner are used to configure the repository used for storing license diffs created during the license submittal process
# The DIFF_REPO_GIT_TOKEN is a personal access token created in Github with access to the repo DIFF_REPO_WITH_OWNER
def getDiffRepoGitToken():
return os.environ.get(key="DIFF_REPO_GIT_TOKEN")
def getDiffRepoWithOwner():
return os.environ.get(key="DIFF_REPO_WITH_OWNER", default="spdx/licenseRequestImages")
Note: While setting up the GitHub OAuth App, set the Homepage URL
to http://localhost:8000/
and the Authorization callback URL
to http://localhost:8000/oauth/complete/github
Here is the exhaustive list of request and response fields of different api tools.
Start the server.
python src/ runserver
Send the request to the url with the form input values accordingly. Curl examples are given below.
For validation tool, send the request to /api/validate/
curl -X POST -u <admin>:<password> -F "file=@<fileInput>" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/validate/ | json_pp
For compare tool, send the request to /api/compare/
curl -X POST -u <admin>:<password> -F "file1=@<fileInput1>" -F "file2=<fileInput2>" -F "rfilename=<resultFileName>" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/compare/ | json_pp
For convert tool, send the request to /api/convert/
curl -X POST -u <admin>:<password> -F "file=@<fileInput>" -F "cfilename=<resultFileNameWithExtension>" -F "from_format=<convertFrom>" -F "to_format=<convertTo>" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/convert/ | json_pp
For license check tool, send the request to /api/check_license/
curl -X POST -u <admin>:<password> -F "file=@<fileInput>" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/check_license/ | json_pp
For the license submittal API, first create a django oauth toolkit application and follow the steps given below:
Go to admin page and login(if you don't have an admin account then create one using python src/ createsuperuser
Create a new application by going to the Applications
Copy the client id and client secret of the app and paste it in src/src/
file under getOauthToolKitAppID and secret and fill the other details of the app as follows:
: <admin you created>
client type
: confidential
authorization grant type
: resource owner password based
and SAVE the app.
it will then redirect you to a url, copy the code
query string present in the url and send it via curl command if you want to use the API. if you want to run tests and test the API then paste the code
in the src/src/
file in the getAuthCode
Note You can only use your code once. If you want to use the license submittal API again, you can generate a new code by following the above point. The code is valid for 10 minutes only.
Send the request to /api/submit-license/
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/ submit_license/ -F 'fullname=<your-fullname>' -F 'shortIdentifier=<your-identifier>' -F 'licenseAuthorName=<license-author>' -F 'userEmail=<your-email>' -F 'text=<text>' -F 'osiApproved=<osi>' -F 'sourceUrl=<url>' -F 'code=<your-code-here>'
The project uses spdx java tools for various tools of the website.