specklesystems / speckle-sharp

.NET SDK, Schema and Connectors: Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Dynamo, ETABS, AutoCAD, Civil3D & more.
Apache License 2.0
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Speckle | Sharp

.NET SDK, tooling, schema and Connectors

Speckle is data infrastructure for the AEC industry.

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.NET Core

# About Speckle What is Speckle? Check our ![YouTube Video Views](https://img.shields.io/youtube/views/B9humiSpHzM?label=Speckle%20in%201%20minute%20video&style=social) ### Features - **Object-based:** say goodbye to files! Speckle is the first object based platform for the AEC industry - **Version control:** Speckle is the Git & Hub for geometry and BIM data - **Collaboration:** share your designs collaborate with others - **3D Viewer:** see your CAD and BIM models online, share and embed them anywhere - **Interoperability:** get your CAD and BIM models into other software without exporting or importing - **Real time:** get real time updates and notifications and changes - **GraphQL API:** get what you need anywhere you want it - **Webhooks:** the base for a automation and next-gen pipelines - **Built for developers:** we are building Speckle with developers in mind and got tools for every stack - **Built for the AEC industry:** Speckle connectors are plugins for the most common software used in the industry such as Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Excel, Unreal Engine, Unity, QGIS, Blender and more! ### Try Speckle now! Give Speckle a try in no time by: - [![speckle](https://img.shields.io/badge/https://-app.speckle.systems-0069ff?style=flat-square&logo=hackthebox&logoColor=white)](https://app.speckle.systems) ⇒ creating an account - [![create a droplet](https://img.shields.io/badge/Create%20a%20Droplet-0069ff?style=flat-square&logo=digitalocean&logoColor=white)](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/speckle-server?refcode=947a2b5d7dc1) ⇒ deploying an instance in 1 click ### Resources - [![Community forum users](https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-green?style=for-the-badge&logo=discourse&logoColor=white)](https://speckle.community) for help, feature requests or just to hang with other speckle enthusiasts, check out our community forum! - [![website](https://img.shields.io/badge/tutorials-speckle.systems-royalblue?style=for-the-badge&logo=youtube)](https://speckle.systems) our tutorials portal is full of resources to get you started using Speckle - [![docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-speckle.guide-orange?style=for-the-badge&logo=read-the-docs&logoColor=white)](https://speckle.guide/dev/) reference on almost any end-user and developer functionality ![Untitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2679513/132021739-15140299-624d-4410-98dc-b6ae6d9027ab.png) # Repo structure This monorepo is the home to our Speckle 2.0 .NET projects: - [`Core`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/Core): the canonical SDK for Speckle. It supports multiple [data transports](https://discourse.speckle.works/t/core-2-0-transports/919), and advanced [decomposition API](https://discourse.speckle.works/t/core-2-0-decomposition-api/911) for design data, and offers a [dynamic base](https://discourse.speckle.works/t/core-2-0-the-base-object/782) for object definition. - [`Objects`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/Objects): the Objects Kit is our default interoperability kit. Read more about kits and their role in the Speckle ecosystem [here](https://discourse.speckle.works/t/introducing-kits-2-0/710). - [`Converters`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/Objects/Converters): conversion routines for each of the connectors mentioned below - Speckle Connectors - [`ConnectorAutocadCivil`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/ConnectorAutocadCivil): for Autodesk AutoCAD and Civil3D 2021+ - [`ConnectorDynamo`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/ConnectorDynamo): for Autodesk Dynamo - [`ConnectorGrasshopper`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/ConnectorGrasshopper): for McNeel Grasshopper - [`ConnectorRevit`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/ConnectorRevit): for Autodesk Revit 2019+ - [`ConnectorRhino`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/ConnectorRhino): for McNeel Rhino 6+ - [`DesktopUI2`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp/tree/main/DesktopUI2): reusable UI for all connectors (except visual programming) ### Other repos Make sure to also check and ⭐️ these other Speckle repositories: - [`speckle-server`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-server): Server and Web packages - [`specklepy`](https://github.com/specklesystems/specklepy): Python SDK 🐍 - [`speckle-excel`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-excel): Excel connector - [`speckle-unity`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-unity): Unity 3D connector - [`speckle-blender`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-blender): Blender connector - [`speckle-unreal`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-unreal): Unreal Engine Connector - [`speckle-qgis`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-qgis): QGIS connectod - [`speckle-powerbi`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-powerbi): PowerBi connector - and more [connectors & tooling](https://github.com/specklesystems/)! ## Developing and Debugging Clone this monorepo; **each section has its own readme**, so then just follow those instructions. Issues or questions? We encourage everyone interested to debug / hack / contribute / give feedback to this project. > **A note on Accounts:** > The connectors themselves don't have features to manage your Speckle accounts; this functionality is delegated to the Speckle Manager desktop app. You can install it [from here](https://speckle-releases.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/manager/SpeckleManager%20Setup.exe). ### Contributing Please make sure you read the [contribution guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for an overview of the best practices we try to follow. ### Security For any security vulnerabilities or concerns, please contact us directly at security[at]speckle.systems. ### License Unless otherwise described, the code in this repository is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Please note that some modules, extensions or code herein might be otherwise licensed. This is indicated either in the root of the containing folder under a different license file, or in the respective file's header. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via [email](mailto:hello@speckle.systems).