speckleworks / SpeckleUnity

Stream live 3D data into Unity with the open data platform for BIM - Speckle!
MIT License
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Potential for multiple newtonsoft json assembly conflicts #20

Closed pablothedolphin closed 4 years ago

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

Unity have released an npm package for newtonsoft json. Ideally, SpeckleUnity would have a fixed dependency on that to avoid api conflicts where a project is already using the newtonsoft json package.

Breaking changes in the npm package would need to be tested for if this gets incorporated.

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

The unity package (1.1.2) is currently synced with version 12.0.2 of the nuget package.

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

This issue is only relevant for unity 2020.1 and up.