speckleworks / SpeckleUnity

Stream live 3D data into Unity with the open data platform for BIM - Speckle!
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link
csharp unity3d


registry openupm ![codeCoverage](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-51.4%25-orange) speckleCoreVersion PRs Welcome

In this repository you will find the source code, assets and project settings of the SpeckleUnity package for Unity app development (Unity 2020.1 or newer recommended) along with a DocFX project containing documentation assets and articles.


Speckle v1 has reached EOL and is no longer mainatined. Check out our brand new 👉 Speckle v2! Read more about the announcemnt here and check out or new website.


How To Install

See instructions in this part of the documentation.


Roadmap is subject to change. Last reviewed 30th of April 2020.

Version Defining Feature
~0.1~ ~First prototype release~
~0.2~ ~Restructure and release as UPM package~
~0.3~ ~New component workflow and custom materials assigned via inspector~
~0.4~ ~Spawn geometry in transform heirarchy based on layer data~
~0.5~ ~User login API, get Stream API and no dependency on a local install of Speckle~
~0.6~ ~Android Support, Rendering Rule API and Async Refactor~
~0.7~ ~Support IL2CPP, .NET Standard 2.0, Unity 2020.1, SpeckleNumbers and SpeckleText~
0.8 Local caching of Speckle streams
0.9 Implement SpeckleUnitySender API
1.0 Production ready (out of preview)